Conciousness and Lifting Weights

Science has done dazzling things for us. But for many people it also has given us a wholly mechanical outlook on the universe and life. Yet if you look at other science and studies you will find how something as subtle as consciousness can effect the results of random number generators. More and more research is coming out every year showing how our minds, the thoughts we think, effect the world around us. Like the Baxter effect which showed ‘anxiety ‘ in plants hooked up to a polygraph machine when he simply thought about burning them.

So to believe what you think about won’t have an effect on your body is so ludicrous that it should be completely discarded. You body and mind are closely connected in both directions.

Your physiology of your body can change the state your mind is in. If you change how you see things in your mind’s eye it can not just change how you feel about them but your body may change in posture also.

It then follows that your thoughts, visualisations and the energy of your body will certainly effect how you digest food, utilize fat stores for energy, alter hormones, and the firing of muscles. I just read about Doctor Gates who increased the strength and size of his arm by thought alone without any exercise!

When you’re visualizing a goal of yours where do you see it? How huge is it? How bright is it? We can play with these submodalities to enhance the image and make it stronger. Move your goal image in closer, make it bigger and brighter. If you’re in the image then raise your size so that you’re 10 feet tall. This is going to be accompanied by a sense of greater confidence and power. Think this system might be useful in lifting weights?

Remember what is vividly imagined is recorded as real in the body. The feeling you get from being 10 feet tall in your brain will cause physiological differences in your body. Is this going to add 100 lbs. To your squat? Not likely. But if it adds 1%, 2%, or 5% to what you can do isn’t it worth it? And when you blend these gains over time that will mount up to over 100 lbs. On your squat or any other exercise or goal you have.

Logan Christopher is one of the top trainers in mental training for athletes and sports performance. Click to grab a free report that will give you the biggest mistakes in mental skills training for sports.

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