Competition Is An Attraction For Participation For People

Your community matters a lot and therefore, any interest shown towards volunteering for a good cause should be congratulated. There is a viewpoint doing the rounds that volunteering is a practice of those who are front-runners in issues of society. The youth are increasingly holding the opinion that volunteering is probably out of their league and that volunteer work is something only go-getters should do.

We can blame it all on the possibility that not everyone truly understands the gist of volunteering as key to learning. It helps us serve those in need.

As much as volunteering is a socially upright thing to do, you will rarely get a college or an organization giving volunteers cash and other money related benefits because they have done a stint of volunteer projects. It is acceptable however, to give student volunteers other non-cash incentives.

As much as the age of the students matters a lot, it is okay to give the students incentives based on a point system. This will definitely suit students of any age.

As much as the points are being given to volunteers who have participated in a project, there can also be points given to volunteers who also refer others to the program. At the end of the year, the highest ranking gets a prize.

Competition is a wise way of getting things done. There can be a lot of results achieved if for example there were two or more student groups who were competing against each other for points.

Getting other students to emulate the good work done is easier if they see other volunteers being congratulated. The quality of work will steadily improve if you can highlight the importance and give a motivation justifying participation.

There are times you could give better grades to the students who volunteer. This will encourage participation.

Volunteering is a honorable thing to do, it takes motivation get people going on with issues related to the community.

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