Colon Cancer

Before you see the Doctor and conduct the screening test, you should be aware of the colon cancer early symptoms first.It is the second-most known cancer death in the US and comes in third on cancer-related deaths in the Western World .The chances for adult’s risk increases as we get older. Its important to understand the colon cancer symptoms because they are not always obvious, it will help on working with your Doctor over your long-term health plan .

Some of the colon cancer symptoms are rectal bleeding or pain, change in a regular bowel habit, weight loss, unexplained anemia, bright red or dark red blood in the stool and occurrence of abdominal pains.A change in the bowel habit is the onset of diarrhea and constipation in the absence of another cause, and a feeling of incomplete defecation, or a reduction in the diameter of stool .

For the abdominal bloating and gas production, is important to figure out what causes it, because this could be something serious.Melena or black tarry stool signifies upper gastrointestinal bleeding but is sometimes encountered in colon cancer when the disease is located at the beginning of the large bowel .There is a possibility of the presence of tumor in colon cancer symptoms and if it cause chronic bleeding, iron deficiency anemia and weight loss will be manifested . It comes with fatigue, palpitation, pale appearance of the skin and decreased appetite.

The changes in the diameter of the stool in colon cancer symptoms may give us the idea that there’s something wrong with our bowel . Thin or ribbon-like stools can indicate that there may be an obstruction or something that is blocking the stool .Colon cancer is a silent stalker, usually causing no symptoms until the disease is very advanced .

Colon cancer early symptoms can be mistaken as occasional disorders that we encounter daily . If you’re not already sure with your body’s activity behavior, consult a Doctor for further verification.

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