Clear Acne With Tea

Many americans and people from north america wonder if tea causes acne. Tea has quite a range of health benefits but at the same time can cause problems. You cannot lump a whole category of foods or drinks into good or bad but you can disect and see which parts are good and bad. As far as tea goes, most tea is made from barely any actual herbs and roots and there is a lot of sugars or sweeteners added.

It’s important to understand this so that you can distinguish the low quality sugar tea from the high quality organic tea. High quality organic tea on the other hand can actually benefit your skin because of the healing properties of the roots and herbs contained within the tea. Green tea is a great tea for acne because of what it does in the body as well as many other tea’s.

Tea that is high quality generally cleanses the body and helps flush toxins out of the body and skin which cause acne breakouts. I recommend drinking high quality green tea or any other organic tea without sugar added. You can sweeten the tea with stevia which is an herb that sweetens it that doesn’t raise your blood sugar which is good for keeping your skin clear and stable.

Tea cleanses the colon, liver and helps remove impurities and toxins which when are not removed become stagnant then float around the body trying to escape then they just try to escape from your pores. I recommend drinking tea if you can, 1 cup a day or more is great for the skin’s health and to keep it clear of acne, pimples and breakouts. You can even drink 2 or 3 cups of tea a day, just make sure that it is organic, high quality and has no sugar added because this has opposite effects on the skin.

[youtube:2dBExwxfiVg?version=3;Drink [link:Green Tea For Acne];]

I hope you learned something in this article and use it to clear up your skin!

David “The Skin” king

To Discover How You Can Clear Your Cure Acne Cleanse Naturally From Home Go To: Cure Acne Cleanse Ebook, and Cure Acne Cleanse

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