Chronic Bronchitis Symptoms

Daily, millions of people suffer from chronic bronchitis which is commonly diagnosed in people who are 45 years or older.Unfortunately, a disease like chronic bronchitis builds over time and mostly dismissed by people who have it. At first, it appears as a simple cough that can be treated by cough remedies. As the disease progresses, the body feels weak as wheezing, chest pain and several chronic bronchitis symptoms appear. One of the leading cause of chronic bronchitis symptoms is smoking.For a better understanding of the topic, what really is chronic bronchitis?

From a medical perspective, chronic bronchitis is a cough experienced daily along with much sputum production. However, the cough persists for at least three months, two years in a row. Thus, people with chronic bronchitis cannot just dismiss the symptoms since having cough for a long period of time can really be inconvenient and disturbing.

Chronic bronchitis lasts longer than acute bronchitis and damage cannot be undone. Although western medicine presents some treatment option for chronic bronchitis to reduce the symptoms, some of these approaches like steroids have adverse effects.As chronic bronchitis develops, the bronchi suffers from chronic inflammation and swelling with a lot of mucus production. This can severely limit passage of air and make the hair-like appendages known as cilia lose their function. In order to prevent this situation, the following rundown of chronic bronchitis symptoms should enlighten you:

It must be realized however that chronic bronchitis natural treatment is aimed at minimizing the symptoms and slowing the progress of the disease. Cough can stay for at least three months and felt everyday by individuals making it easy to point out chronic bronchitis symptoms. The sputum can be clear, yellowish or greenish and in some cases, have some blood. It is also termed as smoker’s cough which seems to be bad in the morning and gets better as the day progresses.

Vitamin A (7,500 IU per day) helps in strengthening the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract to resist the infections that cause Bronchitis.People with chronic bronchitis symptoms easily run out of breath even for a small amount of physical activity. Wheezing Aside from the given, chronic bronchitis symptoms manifests sore throat, nasal congestion, headaches and chest pain due to severe coughing. It is then recommended that you visit a doctor once you detect chronic bronchitis symptoms.

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