Causes of Dreams

What is dream? Do you like dreaming? We all like good dreams and hate or afraid of nightmare. But are dreams simply images we see, sounds we hear, feelings we have and thoughts we think during sleep? Is there a purpose of all that fantasy? What are the causes of dreams?

Dreams compose of approximately 20% of human sleeping time, which can be added up to five years of your lifetime. On average, people have 4 to 5 dreams in a night. It is really true that everyone have dreams though some of them are remembered and some of them are not. As dreams are not images only, blind people who are indeed more sensitive to us in other sense other than vision, can also have dreams with sound, feelings and thoughts.

Throughout the history of human being, there exist many different explanations to what actually causes dreams. Different cultures have different thought on this subject. Some thinks that dreams reflect the desire of your heart or some deep rooted craving. Some say it is merely due to stimulations from the environment. But the most important one is that many believe dreams are given by God to communicate hidden information.

In the 19th century, Sigmund Freud (“S. Freud”) first started to adopt a systematic way / scientific research approach to encounter the subject -DREAMS. S. Freud concluded dreams emerge more internally (e.g. mental activities, pressure from unsatisfied aspirations) than externally (e.g. room temperature, noise, full bladder). Dreams can be your lost memory and sexual desire.

Scientists tell us that dreams are merely signals going back and forth from neurons to neurons. They discovered something called the rapid eye movement state which represents the state during sleep when your eyeballs move rapidly with eyelids closed. Researchers discovered that most dreaming happens during the rapid eye movement state. The body is in deep relaxation state and hard to wake up.

With the significant development of science and psychology theories, it seems that we human have already find out the reason and causes for dreams. But when you try to find out more about where we are affected by the external environments, why there is rapid eye movement and even why we have desires in our deeper heart, there seems other “ultimate” reasons and causes coming out for dreams. But then you can find out the even “ultimate” reasons and causes by keep asking questions. So, you think you are trapped? Think carefully, there is always a reason that never traps you, and that is the dreams are from God who want to communicate with you (which is actually the traditional wisdom developed before 19 century).

Learn more about Dreams and Christianity, visit dream interpretation and dream dictionaries

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