Carpal Tunnel Sydrome – How Do You Manage It?

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a painful condition that develops when the median nerve at the region (carpal tunnel) within the wrist gets squeezed and causes a lot of pain. This tunnel or canal formed by the transverse carpal ligament and the wrist bones is very narrow.

The median nerve and nine flexor tendons pass through this narrow canal. If any one of the flexor tendons becomes inflamed, the canal becomes more narrowed resulting in the squeezing of the median nerve.

This nerve compression causes the tingling and numbness sensations felt in the hand. Unless properly treated, these symptoms will not go away and they must not be ignored.

If the condition is caught early, your doctor may suggest rest. Modification of your daily activities may be advised to prevent worsening of the condition.

You may need to put on a wrist brace or splint when you sleep as people tend to flex their wrists while sleeping. The splint is to keep the wrists from bending while you are asleep.

Your doctor will also advise you if there is a need for more treatment such as cortisone injection, fluid tablets or anti-inflammatory tablets. There is also the physiotherapist, who is trained to use exercises to treat physical impairments, or the occupational therapist, who is trained to evaluate people with physical disabilities and aiding them to build skills to improve their health and well-being.

To reduce pain and inflammation, cortisone injections into the carpal tunnel can be given. If the numbness and pain of the hand continue, non-steroidal inflammatory medications are prescribed.

To help prevent unnecessary fluid retention the doctor may give you some fluid tablets to help reduce the swelling in the wrist. Vitamin B6 can also reduce symptoms, although it is not known how the medication works.

Acupuncture and chiropractic care have also helped some patients but their effectiveness remains unproven. The exception is yoga, which has been shown to decrease pain and improve the grip strength among patients.

The condition will gradually become worse if the conservative measures and medications are not effective. Surgery is offered to treat for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome that has been present for a long period of time and that has worsened.

Before undergoing surgery, you must discuss with the doctor a range of issues like whether or not the procedure is done under local or general anesthetic. Any herbs, vitamin or mineral supplements that you are on. Some of these preparations may interfere with surgical medications.

You can find out more about fast acting pain relief for carpal tunnel, when you visit the site for the best carpal tunnel treatment to eliminate your carpal tunnel pain for good!

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