Carbohydrates on the Lookout

A person is composed of many key areas. Among these essential areas is health – one which we barely pay attention on. Health, though, is a vague concept itself. It is composed of more sub-areas considered to have played a role in the development of an individual. Nutrition is one of the areas of health looked into by both the medical and the nursing profession and one which is sometimes neglected by the many. Nutrition is basically a sum of the total intake of an individual in relation to the nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Intake of carbohydrates belongs in this area as such being an important nutrient or component of metabolism and human functioning.

Chemically, carbohydrates are complexes made up of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen. They are structures usually known as a saccharide or a sugar. When broken down in its simplest forms, complex carbohydrates yield to simple sugars which the body utilizes to perform tasks. Generally, the simplest sugars are the only sugars which the body is capable to metabolize.

Carbohydrates are complexes made up of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen. Chemically, they are termed and used interchangeably with the word saccharides which mean sugar. Basic chemistry will tell you that when carbohydrates is broken down into its simpler forms it turns into glucose or simple sugar which the body metabolizes or uses as a source of energy.

One of the main uses of carbohydrates is to be used as a fuel for brain activity and movement. It functions as the main energy source of the body. Additionally, it serves a muscle protection and a regulator of blood sugar levels in the body.

Carbohydrates are but a part of the whole nutritional system. To get the whole in balance, you must know where to start looking.

This articles was written by Harvin Gulfill from Protein pulver. Visit the website to read more about Kulhydrater.

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