Cannabis is Not a Sign to Future Substance Dependency

For years, weed has become named as a gateway drug. This particular description presumes that individuals who choose to make use of weed have an elevated probability of having a drug abuse issue. Several assertions also suggest that the use of dangerous illegal drugs is virtually inescapable when a person consumes marijuana.

However, a 12-year study coming from the University of Pittsburgh proves that this label is contrary to genuine facts. The research goes even further by emphasizing natural environment represents a greater function in abusing drugs compared to which substance a person uses. The research finds that marijuana isn’t a gateway drug and classifying it as such most likely is due to emotionally-charged talking points than examination of simple fact.

The Research Into Gateway Drug Statement

The analysis carried out had been directed by Ralph Tarter, Ph.D., and was designed to see whether any correlation existed among preliminary cannabis utilization and potential future drug abuse and addiction.

Experts followed a group of young men ages 10-12 who’d all eventually begin using legal or unlawful substances. Once they grew to age 22, these individuals ended up split up into three groups: those that utilized only alcohol and tobacco, those who made use of tobacco and alcohol to start with and then went into weed usage, and lastly people who consumed marijuana first followed by tobacco and alcohol. The analysis concluded that none of the subsets had any greater probability of developing a drug abuse issue.

However, they had better signs of increased risk beyond drug preference. Researchers evaluated 35 additional factors within the young mens’ environment and discovered 3 that were significant in pinpointing increased drug abuse probabilities. These variables were living in poorer local communities, growing up in locations with increased drug accessibility, as well as being raised inside homes with minimal parent guidance. These issues mean that atmosphere represents a more important role with addiction probability as compared to any type of gateway drug.

Common Sense Vindicated

I’ve long suspected fundamental individual and environmental difficulties produce drug abuse concerns as opposed to the substances themselves, and this analysis agrees with my own suspicions. Drug abuse is actually a symptom of deeper troubles, and the drugs are simply filling this void (at least up to the point dependence makes its presence felt).

To label weed as being a gateway drug and express it as an overall enemy is a path of ineffectualness. If neighborhoods want to avert addiction to hazardous drugs, they have to strike the foundation of the issue. The real foe is really a failing environment, and solving the problem is carried out by raising awareness in regards to the real reasons behind drug use and assisting to strengthen the bonds and atmosphere that young people grow up in.

Discover more information on the positive and negative effects of weed at the Effects of Weed Network.

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