Before and After Pictures – Weight Loss Here are my before and after pictures of my weight loss journey. I took my “fat pictures” and my “skinny pictures” together to tell the story of how I finally lost weight. I used to be ashamed of my before pictures…. now I love both my before and after pictures. Here’s why…

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  1. CrazyKrazyMind says:

    what your bf made you do was so mean

  2. BlueBandit34 says:

    you’re friggin hot!

  3. weezerchic78 says:

    fat or skinny you were always pretty

  4. angelsolace says:

    Aww sending hugs to lauren, if only you could see yourself through the eyes of others, all the people who look up to you, you shouldn’t feel down. You are beautiful xxx

  5. Datrucker23 says:

    I knew you wanted to sell something!

  6. panacea81 says:

    I am going to try and be proud of myself right this moment and what I have achieved with feelings like this about myself.

    Thank you, you’ve been like therapy that I definitely needed.

  7. panacea81 says:

    This video made me cry because I am that girl that hates herself and is disgusted with how I have let myself go. I am so wrapped up in how awful I feel I look that I am not even enjoying all of the most fantastic things that are happening in my life.
    I am ashamed of myself too for thinking this way.
    You are right, the picture before was you and you were beaming with smiles. It sadened me to hear you say that about getting rid of pictures back then and feeling bad because you did.

  8. millennialgirl says:

    did u lose baby weight?

  9. slicedbread951 says:

    I’m not done with the video yet, but I’m hoping you dropped about two-hundred punds instantly by dumping that ass of a boyfriend of yours at 3:20 .

  10. BrittanyIsAStar says:

    that’s not true. I’ve seen people who are bigger than she was get really tiny and have no extra skin. It really has to do with genetics, your age, and how long you’ve been big. Everyone is different.

  11. chocolatemilkisgood says:

    I can’t believe your boy”friend” made you do that!
    I wish I was there on that day to body slam him into the sand. 🙂
    I hope you’re not still together,
    because he definitely doesn’t deserve you!
    P.s. Awesome bikini body, girl!

  12. AmazingBodyNow says:

    Beware of any “magic pills” that they are selling.

    The *magic* comes from inside of you.

  13. AmazingBodyNow says:

    I understand that you have been scammed and lied to by others. Just realize that I’m not selling you any pills or magic potions. I’m just putting this out there for anyone who is ready to travel this journey of healthy weight loss by connecting to the body and spirit. It is the greatest truth there is.

  14. AmazingBodyNow says:

    Obviously, you have been brainwashed by the media and the weight loss industry to believe that you need some kind of “procedure” to lose weight. When you are ready to listen to the truth about the science of your body and spirit, and how it all works TOGETHER… I’ll be here to help you through your journey.

  15. Not true.

  16. blackwolf2341 says:

    sorry guys and girls but this is bull shit she couldn’t do this without surgery because if she had a lot of weight loss she must have a lot of excessive skin …..

  17. sweetdarkthea says:

    I love this video it’s very inspiring. you are so beautiful too! in both pictures because like u said u look so happy!

  18. you dont look bad in your old pic…as a matter of fact you look pretty hott

  19. RetardedNanna says:

    how did you loose the weight in the sides?
    i cant get rid of it ; D

  20. VaMpIRaTeSx3 says:

    i agree

  21. Kristenbasore says:

    Can I just say that this video is very moving! I just graduated from college and I’m working very hard to take off the weight I put on during the last four years!

    Thank you for sharing!

  22. etocllaalocin says:

    whats hoodia? and where can you get it? I’ve tried adios but they dont do sod all. I’m getting down now, and I dont want to be down. I want to feel confident with my body, and I exercise, diet, and nothing happens.

  23. soccergirl99rocks says:

    wow how do u do that?

  24. schtoonah says:

    that sounds great! good for you – I want to try hoodia too but i am not sure what kind to buy – not sure if they sell hot hoodia plus where i love – can you recommend how much you take for it to be effective for you? thanks!

  25. jonasbrothersorbust says:

    WHOA!!! thats tight

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