Basic Information About Male Infertility Scottsdale

Many couples experience difficulty when they decide to conceive a child. Male infertility is often the problem in about fifty percent of these cases. It can be a frustrating and stressful time, however, suitable male infertility Scottsdale treatments are available.

The process of male fertility is a complex one. For a female to become pregnant, the male has to produce healthy sperm. The sperm has to be carried into and mixed with the semen. In the event that your sperm count is low, the chances of successful egg fertilization are diminished. In the event that the sperm movement or shape is abnormal, it will have difficulty in reaching or penetrating the female egg.

Besides the inability to conceive a child, there are other symptoms related to this condition. Sexual function problems such as difficulty reaching orgasm or erectile dysfunction could be a symptom. Lumps, pain or swelling in the testicle area may be present. Signs of a hormonal or chromosomal abnormality such as decreased body or facial hair could be a symptom.

This condition could be caused by several factors. Sperm production or sperm health might be hindered by infections. These infections include those of the urinary tract or the reproductive organs. Sexually transmitted diseases like Chlamydia and gonorrhea could also be responsible for the problem.

There is a possibility that being overexposed to heat, chemicals and toxins could reduce the production or function of sperm. Testicle overheating is a potential cause. Using saunas or hot tubs on a regular basis could temporarily cause the sperm count to diminish. Spending long periods of time sitting or often wearing tight clothing will cause a rise in temperature in the scrotum, which can cause a reduction in the production of sperm.

Other possible causes include alcohol abuse, smoking, and drug abuse. Emotional stress, obesity and vitamin deficiency may contribute to infertility. Aging causes a decline in fertility, particularly in men over the age of 35.

Treatment for infertility is dependent upon the cause. Your age and the length of time that you have been infertile are relevant. It will be necessary for the female partner to be checked as well. The first step for your doctor would be to treat known underlying problems.

Possible treatments could include surgery whereby obstructions may be removed. Infections that could be the cause of male infertility Scottsdale will be treated appropriately. Sexual intercourse problems such as erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation could be treated by medication or counseling. Hormone replacement or hormone level changing medications are an option. If there is a problem with sperm delivery, it is possible for the sperm to be taken from the testicle and injected into an egg.

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