An Introduction To Life Coaching Training

The International Coach Federation (ICF) has created a framework for life coaching training, built around four key competencies. Those who aspire to be professional life coaches, who are looking for a foundation based on both experience and education, will find this program useful. As coaches become trained, and potentially certified, they will learn the importance of keeping professional distance, confidentiality, and empathy, in the coach/client relationship.

Setting the foundation starts the list of core competencies. Coaches set a foundation for themselves, by meeting ethical guidelines, and maintaining professional standards. Also, coaches set a foundation for their clients, by establishing the parameters of their coaching agreement from the outset. By making boundaries clear, and by gaining self-knowledge, coaches will be able to discern the best client matches, for their particular skill set.

Co-creating relationships is another core competency. For a coaching relationship to be effective, coaches must build trust and intimacy with clients, within professional boundaries. In addition, coaches must exude an authoritative presence, by dealing with strong emotions exhibited by the client, by working effectively with clients in the moment, and by being fully engaged during client interactions.

Coaches must also communicate effectively. Effective communication begins with effective language, which clearly expresses the reasoning behind exercises and meetings. Clear language also includes the appropriate use of analogy and metaphor, as well as any other type of language which most positively affects the client. Other components of effective communication include powerful questioning, and active listening.

Another core competency includes facilitating learning and results. The beginning of a coach’s job is to create awareness, regarding life circumstances, habits, and approaching decisions. Then, the coach assists clients as they design a specific action plan around those decisions, managing the clients’ progress, and holding clients responsible for their goals.

Many coaches choose certification. The ICF certifications include Associate Certified Coach, Professional Certified Coach, and Master Certified Coach, in progressive order. Obtaining certification demonstrates a commitment to professional development, and helps to build credibility for coaches. Each level has specific requirements, including examinations, mentor interactions, reference letters, and experience hours.

As coaches obtain life coaching training and possibly certification, they will gain a clear understanding of their profession, in addition to a framework of established competencies. Life coaches guide their clients as they create their priorities, set their goals, and put together their action plans. Also, coaches provide accountability for clients, and provide objective feedback about progress, so that clients will meet both their personal and professional objectives.

Want to find out more about life coach training? Please visit The Coaching Academy website.

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