An Effective Dental Solution to the Challenges of Living with Dentures

For many people, living with dentures can be quite difficult and frustrating. People who wear dentures can suffer from a number of challenges. These challenges include:

Difficulty Eating: if you are a denture wearer, you will likely have problems eating such foods as hard fruit, steak, popcorn, etc. Many people are unable to eat their favorite foods because of their dentures. As well, there are difficulties in properly chewing and biting food. This means they are swallowing larger pieces of food which can negatively affect the digestion process leading to such risks as choking, indigestion, and constipation.

Sore Spots: There can be physical discomfort associated with wearing dentures. For instance, it is common to get sore spots when wearing dentures because the dentures slip around and rub on the gums causing an abrasion and the development of sore spots. These spots are like small blisters which can be painful.

Loss of Food Enjoyment: Although there are foods denture wearers still eat, the taste of the foods is greatly reduced so they do not get the same enjoyment as non denture wearers. The reason taste is reduced is because the upper dentures cover the palate and the palate like the tongue contain taste buds. Often denture wearers will add more salt to their food to get a better taste which is unhealthy as too much salt can cause an increase in the blood pressure.

Inconvenience: You have to do a lot to maintain dentures which can be inconvenient. You have to take them out each night and put hem in water every night before going to bed. Cleaning them is difficult as you have to use special denture cleaning products. Also, if you have to go out in a hurry or someone comes to the door, you have quickly put them back in.

Social Insecurities: It can be embarrassing to be out on a dinner date and suddenly the dentures start slipping around in the mouth while eating or speaking. Loose dentures make a lot of people insecure about smiling, speaking and eating in public. Some people may withdraw from social activities and become depressed and lonely which is not healthy.

Permanent Teeth-in-a-Day Dental Implant Solution

If you are suffering from denture challenges, you now have an effective solution that will let you smile, speak, and eat properly. Permanent Teeth-in-a-Day dental implant Calgary solution for denture wearers is being chosen by more people because it effectively resolves all of the challenges associated with wearing dentures. Permanent teeth-in-a-day involves implanting permanent non-removable teeth in just one day. A complete arch of permanent teeth is placed on just four to six dental implants. The rear implants are placed at angles to make use of the available bone so there is little chance of needing bone-grafting. They are permanently secured in the mouth and you clean them just like regular teeth. Because they are permanently fixed to the bone, you never have to worry about dentures slipping and moving around in your mouth. Permanent Teeth-in-a-Day is a great solution to resolving all problems associate with wearing dentures.

Whether you have needs on dental implants Calgary or dental implant Halifax, we have an expert here to meet your needs with friendly service.

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