An Easy Way to Achieve Excellence in Your Personal Performance

You have, without doubt, heard the expression, “start with the end in mind.” Well, if you would like to attain excellence that is a useful thought. Because if you start with excellence in focus your chances of achieving excellence will be much higher.

Let us say you are planning a presentation, and you want to make sure it is exceptional, would it not seem to make sense to commence with a vision of you resuming your seat at the end of the show to ringing applause?

I talk plenty about NLP techniques and about modeling. One of the principles of successful modeling is to model people whose performance is excellent in the type of situation in which you want to achieve excellence in your own performance.

The challenge for the majority is that they find it simple to use old, poor habits. One such habit that may cause bad performance is approaching a hard task or project with a feeling of anxiety.

When a confirmed habit of not feeling happy about a role is intensified by poor self-talk the entire project can be put at rish before it has barely got off the ground. When you say to yourself things like: “I’m no good at this sort of thing.” You are programming yourself for a weak performance before you have even started.

There are any amount of “weak performance” phrases that people use to pre-programme themselves for underperforming, phrases like: “I’ve never been any good at things like this.” Or, “I feel totally out of my depth.” Or, “I just know I will not be able to do it.”

Give yourself the chance of an excellent result by changing your internal chat to “strong performance” phrases.

So , in an example where you were wanting to make an excellent presentation you would hold that image and thought of excellence in mind all of the time that you were planning, preparing, rehearsing and delivering your presentation. Then say to yourself: “This is wonderful, what an opportunity, I am actually going to shine”.

As an NLP Practitioner my mission is, “to assist you to make changes in your thinking, your feelings and your behaviour that will make your performance excellent both at work and in your personal life”. I achieve results for the workers of major companies like Dell, Yves St.Laurent, J&J, RBI, GM and P&O through business coaching using NLP Techniques.

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