An Analysis Of What True Love Is Characterized By

In an era where divorce is all too common, many individuals are searching to find the meaning of true love. In the effort to accomplish this, it is useful to differentiate between an infatuation based relationship and one that is based on real love. Couplings with infatuation at their core and those which are truly rooted in love are very different in nature. A relationship based on infatuation does not have a firm foundation, while one which has love at its roots is the kind of bond which is absolutely needed in order for a marriage to thrive.

There are various ways to see whether or not the love that exists between a couple is real or if it is based on infatuation. These methods include finding out if the couple likes spending time with one another; seeing how the two partners make each other feel; assessing the level of ease with which a couple is able to support one another; deciphering the degree to which couples have a comfort zone in all areas; and pinpointing if open and honest communication is part of a relationship. These different variables are studied in more detail below.

Figuring out whether or not a couple enjoys spending time together is one indicator of whether or not love is true. A person has to think about whether or not he or she is excited to spend time with a partner or if the time spent together is mediocre. Relationships that have infatuation and physical attraction as their basis may have a lot of excitement in the beginning, but feelings between the couple fade over time.

Seeing how partners make each other feel is another indication of the level of how true the love between two people is. When two partners have a relationship that is truly based on love, they anticipate seeing each other again and realize that they should not consume one another. In unions where infatuation is prevalent, however, at least one of the lovers wants to consume the other. There is a demand for the other partner’s time and attention. It may get to the point where friendships and careers are adversely affected by such relationships. This is very unhealthy.

Seeing how easy it is for a couple to support one another is another way to assess love that is true. Offering support to one another is easy when a relationship is based true love. Lovers who are true to one another know how to compromise. Infatuation based relationships typically consist of only one partner performing all of the compromising, to a point where he or she gets resentful after some time.

Deciphering the degree to which couples have a comfort zone with each other is an additional way to test how the level of how true two people’s love is for each other. This is an aspect that is not present in relationships which have infatuation at their core. The union should be one where two individuals are supportive of one another both publicly and privately. Infatuation based unions, on the other hand, do not satisfy both partners’ needs.

Last but not least, seeing if communication is open and honest between a couple is an indication of whether or not love is true. Communication that is open, clear, and honest exists between true lovers but not between those who are infatuated with each other. True lovers can have heated debates as well as peaceful silences. Partners infatuated with each other typically are too afraid to admit to their true feelings.

In concluding, there are various ways to determine whether or not two people are truly in love. These include determining the level of how much a couple enjoys being together; seeing how partners make each other feel; assessing how much a couple is able to support one another; studying whether or not partners are comfortable with each other in all aspects; and figuring out the level of honest and open communication shared by a couple.

Not entirely sure what true love and committment means? You can watch videos to get a sense of potential dates before you contact them.

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