Alter your Brain and Change your Beliefs

In the 1871 classic, “Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There”, Lewis Carroll made an entire world of opposites, reflection and mirror image. Since that point, a variety of others have made permutations on the same theme.

The point that's of interest is that Lewis Carroll wasn’t too far off. The world you see thru the looking cup of your eyes isn’t truly what you understand it to be. According to Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi in the book “Flow: The Psychology of Perfect Experience”, we are getting roughly two million pieces of information each second. If we were to attempt to process all of that information, we'd go crazy. Fortunately , your consciousness will delete, distort and generalize the info down to a controllable 134 bits per second.

What this implies is that what we understand taking place in the world is not what “really” happens. When you remember a shared event, for example a family get together, and the different stories that result from that event, it becomes obvious that everybody's perception is different.

How we decide what we remove, distort and generalize is reliant on where we've been and what selections we’ve made along the way. It's a factor of our beliefs, values, perspectives and experiences. What we do, once we make a call, is look for things to reinforce it. That is the reason why you'll find 2 folks who witness the same event having different views of an identical scenario.

The question is, does your perception serve you? As an example, do you mostly see opportunity or roadblocks? Did the choices you made on the way lead you to where you want to be?

The better news is you can change your mind and undecide. You can let go of those beliefs, values, perspectives and experiences that no longer server you and replace them with new, enabling ones. As you might guess, when you do that, you’ll notice that you change your perceptions.

It's the how that is the difficult part. Remember, the choices we made are in the past. Regularly those calls are ones that were made so long back that we do not even remember them. How will we change a call we don't even know we made? How can we undecide a decision that we do not even know about?

Luckily , you store everything that has ever happened in your life. You may not consciously remember the choice you made, but at some level you do. A skilled consultant or hypnotherapist can take you back in time to relive or experience any event. At this point, you can start to reevaluate the decisions you made and make new ones.

As an example, as a baby, you might have decided that cash ruins relations and so you did not want to have anything to do with it. Why? Perhaps you saw your mom and dad disagreeing about cash. Maybe your parents were poor and had a fulfilling relationship. As a grown-up, you could look at that very same situation and understand that it's not really about money. So , now you can change your mind and create a new, empowering decision.

When you change your gourd you'll change your perception. You will begin to notice opportunities which you never knew existed. You will create new beliefs, values and experiences. Ultimately , you'll change your life.

What does it mean when you make new decisions? Remember you delete, distort and generalize the information you receive so it’s manageable. What you choose to exclude relies on the choices you made. Therefore if you change your decisions, you will change what you understand. For example, if you realize that money doesn't destroy relationships, what occurs? You’ll notice chances for you to earn income.

When you become aware of the fresh opportunities, you can begin to take line to take benefit of them. You may create new beliefs, which should in it's turn affect your values and ultimately , your experiences.

When you are ready to make new selections and have opportunities, consider speaking to a specialist who will help you heal your past. A skilled consultant can simply steer you to release the old choices and make new decisions that serve you. Are you good to go through the looking glass?

Read more fascinating health articles and enjoy some succulent raw chocolate while you do it.

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