All about lift chairs

Do you know that there are millions of Americans that are physically disabled? And that is why for them daily tasks become very hard, like walking up the stairs, lifting items, even getting up out of a chair can become an exhausting task. So for them, the only solution would be to use lift chairs. For one you will need to pay around 500 $, but the costs can easily go up to even three thousand dollars, with all the fixings included. Yet don’t worry, for you will still be able to get cheap chairs. So, if you need one and you are enrolled in Medicare, then you will be able to get one with a reimbursement of three hundred dollars.

In the early 1990’s, we can say that it was they “heyday” of liftchairs: medicare offered full reimbursement for the entire cost! It wasn’t long before the system became abused, and in the late 1990’s medicare began closing the loopholes. Unfortunately, those who truly need the assistance are the losers in this situation. Medicare has since stopped reimbursing for the full cost of the lift chair, and instead will only pay up to $300 for the lift mechanism in the chair and not the chair itself. Obviously, the goal was to pay for only the mechanical device that was designed to help the user, and not fancy upgrades like Italian leather, heat, and massage functions.

Medicare has very strict requirements when it comes to liftchair reimbursement. The following requirements must be met before a person can be reimbursed:

1. The person must have a genuine need for a power lift chair. This means that said person must have difficulty getting up from every seat in the house, and not just some of them. Generally speaking, this means that the person must suffer from a debilitating injury or disability, like arthritis, fibromyalgia, or limb injuries.

2. The chair you will be let in on has to offer you freedom and mobility. So this means that you must be able to use the chair without anyone’s help.

3. When you will get a chair, you will have to have a doctor’s prescription for it. Of course, the medicare will require that you will follow a treatment as to have your disease and / or condition healed as soon as possible.

4. The prescription though is just the beginning. You will also need to make sure that you will get to consult a physician.

While the medicare regulations regarding lift chairs are very strict, it’s comforting to know that help is out there. Most people choose to purchase the chair first and get reimbursed later, since the approval process is actually quite smooth, assuming you meet all the requirements. Power lift chairs are very expensive, but with the right help are more affordable than most people would think.

Make sure to visit us,if you would like to know more about lift chairs covered by medicare and lift out chairs.

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