Adding A Fitness Ball To Your Workout

The Fitness ball is becoming more recognizable in the world of health and exercise.The truth is that many people still do not know how to use them or understand the benefits of using one. There are a variety of ways they can be used.

It was developed in 1963 in Italy. It slowly made its way to Switzerland then to America when its benefits in physical therapy were seen. Made of a soft elastic plastic that is filled with air and is puncture resistant. It ranges in size from 35 to 85 cm. The size you need is dependent on your height.

The balls can be referred to by a slew of different names. Though called many different things, all are similar in design and serve the same purpose. Some of the other names you may see it called by are Swiss or swedish balls, balance or stability balls, birth balls, body balls, gym or gymnastic balls, pezzi balls, sports balls, physio or therapy balls, or yoga and pilates balls.

Workouts with the fitness balls focus mostly on building up the core muscles. The core muscles of the body include the abdomen and back. Having a stronger core makes the rest of the body stronger and improves posture.

Using the item during a workout engages these groups of muscles because the body is forced to respond to the instability of the ball and remain balanced. This alone uses more of the core muscles than normal crunches would. Since the core muscle groups are typically the focus it is important to keep them tight and make sure your power comes from them during your workout. Some have even recommended using fitness balls instead of a chair because it keep your core engaged all day and promotes better posture while sitting. This has not been scientifically proven and could be unsafe.

These are becoming more widely used by women giving birth. Sitting on it can aid in the descent of the fetal head into the pelvis because it puts the body into a more natural position and physiological process of birth than lying down. It has been said it is more comfortable and allows women to rock their hips during contractions to decrease the severity and discomfort. Make sure you have a birthing partner to help you because this will still take balance and that can be hard to maintain at a time like that.

The Fitness Ball has many benefits and is becoming more widely used. They can be found just about anywhere and are inexpensive. Like with any workout, make sure its right for you and do not over do it. is a massive collection of everything to do with fitness. Fitness Ball: As one commentator said: EPIC blog! This site has a ton of personal fitness info.

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