A Natural Remedy for the Symptoms of Sinusitis

Sinus pain is felt more strongly in lower part of the nose. The nose feels tender to the touch and flabby as if the cells are being decomposed from within the nose. The embarrassing part of sinus pain is the constant need to void the nose of the mucus that is always there no matter how often the nose if blown to rid it of the obstructive mucus and accumulated dust and mites. The fact is that it is a tiresome and unpleasant feeling knowing that such material is constantly lodging in your sinus cavities.

If the nose is not cleared then the sinus pressure felt more strongly in the forehead and often misdiagnosed as headache becomes unbearable and relief is the only thought on the mind of the sufferer. Traditionally, people with front forehead pressure from sinusitis were told to steam their sinuses by boiling water in a kettle and by using a towel wrapped around the head to inhale the steam. Because of the location of the sinus pressure, many sufferers use aspirin that is meant for headaches and really does nothing to unplug the sinus cavities.

There are many remedies available to one suffering from sinus trouble. First of all its important to stay in a place where plenty of fresh air is available. The rooms where one stays should not be too cool or too warm. It is also important to undertake regular exercises so as to keep the body healthy. It is important to take plenty of cool liquids like water and fruit juices and to avoid alcohol intake or take it moderately. Inhaling hot water vapor is a welcome remedy so is being in hot compresses, saunas and even steam rooms.

Usually, Sinusitis results from an infection, be it as a common cold or that of the upper respiratory system, one that spreads to the sinuses starting from the nose and leading to the mucus passageways. Allergies to pollen, dust, smoke, and similar air pollutants can also trigger it as well. Another contributing factor is a hot indoor environment with dry-air heating or a room with excessive dryness.

However, we’re not perfect and may catch it regardless, so let’s examine some common ways that we can treat the symptoms of Sinusitis. Decongestants such as pseudoephedrine and phenylpherine are good temporary remedies that help drain the sinuses. Prescribed inhalers, while not decongestants, assist in healing the sinus membranes. Over-the-counter nasal sprays like Dristan and Afrin are basically ‘spray’ versions of decongestants and can be used for a few days or so. Humidifiers or sprays that contain salt water in them will ‘melt’ the infected sinuses away (so to speak).

Treating Sinusitis naturally may be possible with a new product called SINUVIL. SINUVIL is a natural remedy, made from a medicinal plant native to South Africa, called the Pelargonium. SINUVIL claims to have the ability to naturally drain your sinuses, relieving pressure and pain, boost your immune system, enabling you to better fight off infections in the future, prevent the growth of bacteria, fungi, and viruses in your sinus cavities, preventing infection, and soothe inflamed and swollen tissues. SINUVIL is also recommended for those with weakened immune systems, such as people suffering from a chronic disease, as well as the elderly.

Do you want to find info on Sinus Problem, then go to our website to find the latest information on Sinusitis – It Can Bring You To Your Knees for you.

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