A Little Info Over Ovarian Cancers

Ovarian cancer is a common type of cancer that consists of cancerous growths on or around the ovary. Due to the organs that are affected, the illness is only present among women and features symptoms such as bloating, pelvic pain, constant urination, and decreased hunger. It is the second most common form of gynecological cancers, with just over eighty two thousand patients being diagnosed with it each year.

Due to the subtle and general nature of the disease’s symptoms, they are often mistaken for signs of other conditions. This, paired with the fact that many patients don’t experience any noticeable symptoms at all, sometimes leads to the cancer not being diagnosed right away. As a general rule of thumb, anyone who is experiencing regular constipation, abdominal pain, or bloating should visit their doctor as soon as possible. If it isn’t caught and treated in time, the condition can lead to more serious issues such as intestinal obstructions and painful fluid in the abdominal cavity.

Since the condition is so common and dangerous, the United State’s two Societies of Cancer and Oncologists jointly released some helpful statements regarding its symptoms so everyone would be more informed. The information stresses the importance of yearly doctor visits and taking all of the disease’s four most regular complaints extremely seriously.

When this form of cancer is correctly diagnosed in its earlier stages, it’s almost ninety percent treatable but that number drops significantly as time goes by so it is extremely important for ladies to pay attention to their bodies.

As of now, the exact cause of the disease isn’t yet known but there are a number of mitigating factors that can put you at a higher risk of contracting it. Examples of higher risk patients include women over the age of forty five, those with relatives who suffer from the disease, those who have never given birth, and those who have undergone postmenopausal hormonal replacement therapies. Many of the factors such as infertility, endometriosis, and other types of cancers can be linked to genetics.

However, those who give birth to more babies, have their babies earlier in life, take certain contraceptive pills, and undergo tubal ligation surgeries are at a much lower risk of ever getting ovarian cancer.

As with other forms of cancerous growths, the sooner this disease is diagnosed the better a person’s chances of making a full recovery but due to the illness’s lack of official early warning detection or screening test, it features a very poor prognosis. Over sixty percent of the people who get diagnosed with the condition are already in stages three or four in which the cancer has likely already spread to other organs.

Any gynecologists and doctors with patients who are complaining of a certain symptom will check for a cancerous ovary automatically. The tests will include blood work, an abdominal ultrasound, and a thorough pelvic examination. If enough evidence is found, an exploratory surgery will be performed as well in order for the diagnosis to be confirmed. The treatment for the illness, no matter what particular stage the newly diagnosed woman happens to be in, is usually started immediately after.

Polycystic ovarian syndrome is the most common cause of infertility in women. To read more about PCOS treatment and symptoms visit PCOSandFibroids.com. The site has information also about uterine fibroids treatment and symptoms.

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