A Guide To Fat You Eat And Fat On Your Body

Both these types of fat have had cycles of approval and disapproval within our society. Unfortunately, there seems to be yet another shift of approval happening within the mass media.

The main issue with these constant shifts in popularity is that they are not based on sound research.

So here are the ins and outs of body fat and dietary fat:

1. Fat is stored inside of your arteries: It’s not just skin fat you have to worry about here. After all, fat in your arteries can be lethal. Now the best way to reduce this fat is by eating lots of fiber, reducing sugar and avoiding saturated fat.

2. Fat is stored around your organs: Severely obese people can have fatty livers. And these livers tend to be very large in comparison to a normal liver. The end result is the displacement of organs that are in close proximity to the fatty liver.

3. Fat under your skin is the lesser of the evils: Having said that, you still want to get rid of it at some point. You see, excess skin fat will make it harder for you to absorb nutrients from your food and will also make your joints wear out quickly.

4. Consume dietary fat from all the different sources: Eating healthy fat from each group is the best approach here. Just make sure you don’t overemphasize the omega six group since many western countries already do this.

5. Don’t overdo the omega-3 intake: Many fitness professionals recommend taking huge amounts of fish oil. The problem with this approach is that too much fish oil can damage your heart over long periods of time. This happens because the omega three acids can increase oxidation.

6. Have fat with every meal: For the slowest digestion rates, highest rates of satiety and the highest levels of hormone production, you need to have fat in every meal. Never go on a low fat diet because this approach will backfire on you.

Dietary fat and body fat are a topic of confusion for many. The good news is that if you take action here you will be many steps ahead of the game!

Author Katherine Crawford, an exercise physiologist and former flabby arms sufferer, teaches how to tone your arms. Figure out how to get sexy and toned arms by exploring her website with advice on how to get rid of arm fat now!

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