A Guide to Essential Vitamins for Hair Growth

The state of your hair actually reflects the general state of your health. The adage “having a bad hair day” is actually true: stress not only leads to frazzled or falling hair, but in men’s cases, even thinning or balding. Too much stress and anxiety has a detrimental effect on your crown of glory. So too does poor eating habits.

In order to counteract these, vitamins can be used not just to maintain hair but possibly reverse thinning. Here are some of the essentials vitamins which aid in follicle growth:

Vitamin B Group
The best vitamins for hair growth include the B group of vitamins. This group is usually found in food sources such as fresh fruit, dairy milk, turkey, whole grains, fish, eggs and meat. For vegetarians Soy Beans is also an excellent source of Vitamin B.

Naturally occurring chemicals such as Inositol commonly found across all Vitamin B groups has been shown to prevent hair loss. Para aminobenzoic acid also found across this group has medicinal properties to prevent premature greying.

Vitamin B3, known as niacin, improves blood circulation in the scalp, promoting hair growth.

B5 or panthenol is believed to prevent hair loss, as well as aid in re-growth in men.

B6 and B12 also have properties that can help with re-growing hair. In particular, they can trigger regenerative processes on cells, as well as promote the growth of new hair strands.

Vitamin E
Vitamin E has been shown to be one of the most beneficial vitamins for hair growth. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that stimulates the scalp by promoting blood circulation. An increase in blood circulation can help supply essential nutrients to the hair follicles promoting stronger and healthier growth.

Vitamin A
This vitamin is widely considered to be among the most effective agents of hair growth, since it helps keep the roots lubricated. Abundant in leafy vegetables, various species of pepper, eggs and animal livers, vitamin A is often included in the nutritional regimen of anyone attempting to promote hair growth with vitamins.

Vitamin C
Vitamin C is often associated with preventing colds and protecting and boosting the immune system. But are you aware that it is also one of the best vitamins for hair growth? Strawberries, citrus fruits, tomatoes, green and red peppers, kiwis and pineapples are all excellent sources of Vitamin C.

Vitamin C is present in most fruits, such as citrus, strawberries, kiwis and pineapples. It can also be found in tomatoes, and green and red peppers.
To get the best of these nutrients, it’s therefore essential to eat a balanced diet. This means lean meat, paired with a healthy serving of vegetables and whole grains, topped by fresh fruit. This way, you get most of the vitamins in one sitting and be one step farther from premature thinning or balding.

Get Important facts on Vitamins for Hair Growth. Visit Daniel J Burns’s site to find out if vitamins for hair growth work.

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