7 Steps to Creating Life Fulfillment for Women Entrepreneurs

There’s no doubt that being an entrepreneur is exhilarating, challenging, scary and wonderful all at the same time. I’ve been an entrepreneur for well over a decade, and I can’t imagine ever having a “normal” profession.

But what I’ve learned, not only from my own experience but by sharing in the experiences of so many other women entrepreneurs, is that life fulfillment and balance can become dangerously askew unless we are powerfully aware, organized and committed.

Like anything else in life that demands tremendous attention, entrepreneurship can consume all your energy, time and thoughts-leaving little energy or time for other areas of your life that need your attention. But if you’re relying on your business to provide all or most of your income, keeping your business going and thriving can sometimes seem like the most important thing on the agenda. That is until the rest of your life spirals out of control and you find yourself miserable, exhausted and empty.

If you feel this is already happening, or about to happen, you need to stop…just for an afternoon…and re-group before being a woman entrepreneur with life fulfillment becomes your newest oxymoron.

1. List every task and activity you are responsible for on a given day.

2. List your top three unique talents at work, e.g., speaking, writing, and sales. These are the three things that you do better than anyone else and with the most ease. Make an identical list for tasks in your personal life (mothering, cooking, etc.).

3. Now, on your list of weekly tasks and activities, mark the ones that fall into your bucket of using your unique talents and abilities.

4. Now look at what is left on your list. Make a separate list of all the tasks you can assign to somebody else. YES, DELEGATE…it might be to a virtual assistant, it might be to your teenage son or daughter…but delegate it.

5. If you can’t delegate it, ask yourself if there is someone else you can hire to do it. If not, ask yourself if it REALLY has to be done. If it’s a nice-to-do, but not a have-to-do at the moment, take it off your list of things to do. Let it go.

6. Now get out your planner and put into your week all the really important tasks and activities. When you plan, add an extra half-hour for each and every task…because we always tend to underestimate the time it takes to accomplish anything.

7. Now see where there are open areas of time. Put in rejuvenating time and quiet time for yourself. Women entrepreneurs are incredibly skilled at leaving themselves and their physical and mental well-being off their to-do list. If you find there is NO time for you, something else has got to give. These are just a few of the steps you can take right now to start creating more joy and life fulfillment, while creating a wonderful business that doesn’t threaten the well-being of everything else that is important to you. By doing MORE of what you do best, eliminating tasks that can be done by someone else or would be better served done by someone else, you will actually grow your business faster and with less effort.

Life fulfillment should be the outcome of entrepreneurship, not the sacrifice of it. Take control by being aware, by planning, and by always protecting your energy, your time, your self-esteem, confidence and courage.

Kathleen Aston is the authority on creating confident, courageous, successful women who strive to reach purpose-driven prosperity. Ms. Aston’s proprietary systems help women to build solid foundations of self and rapid-fire business growth, profits and success. Discover The #1 Secret to Stop Procrastination and Boost Profits! https://www.kathleenastonintl.com/getgoing/

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