6 Ways To Reduce Insulin Resistance In Your Body So You Can Get In Shape Faster

Insulin resistance is a state in which your cells can’t absorb nutrients very well. Once this happens, your fat cells get all the excess.

And the bad news is that many people do not know how to combat insulin resistance effectively.

Thus, here are 6 ways to reduce insulin resistance in your body:

1. Stay away from too much fruit: Having oodles of fruit in single sittings is not healthy for you. Even worse, juicing fruit is horrible for your health. You see, when you have fruit you load your body with sugar. This in turn makes it very hard for you to avoid insulin resistance.

2. Lose fat: A catch 22 because insulin resistance makes it harder to lose fat, but when you lose fat insulin resistance goes down. So the key here is to make sure your health plan has some fat loss integrated into it. Don’t just be happy with being overweight.

3. Make resistance training your best friend: Resistance training is the best antidote for insulin resistance. You see, resistance training creates a situation in your body where your cells actually undergo changes that reverse the harmful effects of insulin resistance.

4. Avoid whole grains: If you have too many whole grains in your diet, you could be increasing your insulin resistance. You see, whole grains do digest very quickly. Thus, it’s in your best interest to have the slowest digesting carbs, legumes.

5. Have more healthy fats: You see, healthy fats make it easier for your cells to combat insulin resistance because they make the entryways to your cells healthier. And make sure you reduce saturated fat and trans fat intake.

6. Never skip breakfast: Skipping breakfast will increase insulin resistance in your body for the rest of the day. Thus, no matter how healthy you eat, if you skip breakfast your ability to absorb nutrients will be compromised.

Insulin resistance can make it very hard to lose weight. So make sure you take action here sooner rather than later!

Writer Katherine Crawford, a fitness expert and recent flabby arms sufferer, instructs on how to do excellent arm toning exercises. Figure out how to get sexy arms by exploring her blog with advice on how to get skinny arms quickly now!

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