6 Dietary Supplements Reviewed So You Can Make The Best Decision

The dietary supplement industry is booming. After all, we keep on gaining weight and are more than willing to spend money on a pill that will solve the problem.

The bad news here is that the great majority of supplements don’t work.

Thus, here are 6 dietary supplements reviewed:

1. Whey protein: More often than not your body is going to do better with solid protein because it digests slower. And slower digestion translates into better absorption. Now the only time you may want to take whey protein is right after exercise.

2. Dextrose: Dextrose is a powdered form of carbohydrate that doesn’t have to go through the normal digestive process, it goes right into your muscles. This makes it somewhat useful immediately after intense training.

3. Adrenal stimulants: Substances that stimulate your adrenal glands can really energize your body. So make sure you take them only when you need them most, otherwise the positive benefits will diminish. I recommend having small amounts right before a workout.

4. Calcium chews: Although calcium is very important, it shouldn’t be taken in excess. If you take too much you run the risk of developing kidney stones. Even worse, some research has shown that taking calcium can worsen the health of your heart.

5. Fish oil: This is probably one of the most over consumed supplements on the market. And once you go over three grams per day, you run the risk of heart oxidation. So make sure you don’t have more than 2 grams per day.

6. Vasodilators: While these products do make your muscles feel tighter when you are exercising, the effect is short lived. So save your money here and use natural products that produce the same effect. One such product is natural green tea.

Most supplements don’t work, this is the brutal truth. In fact, most are a waste of money. So think hard before making your next purchase!

Writer Katherine Crawford, a fitness expert and former arm fat sufferer, instructs on how to tone your arms. Unearth how to get sexy arms by visiting her blog with advice on how to get rid of arm fat now!

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