6 Beauty Face Tips

Many people believe that a beautiful face is inborn. Chinese has a proverb that “there is no ugly woman but only lazy woman”. This proverb is so true. Many pretty celebrities are born with beautiful faces, but they need to work hard to keep their face pretty. Making your face pretty sounds difficult, but, you can certainly make it easier by following beauty tips below.

Tip 1: Absorption of moisturizer. People living in the cities are busy. Such busyness affects the way you apply your moisturizer. It is no good to hurry yourself up for the moisturizer application process. After applying moisturizer, you have to wait for a moment so that all the moisturizer or nutrients are absorbed by your skin. Otherwise, you may find your sunblock or cosmetics unable to achieve its maximum effect. Lapping your face gently helps facilitate the absorption. You may also press your face with a piece of tissue paper.

Tip 2: Balanced Eyebrows. Women often tweeze their eyebrows. Most of them find it difficult to tweeze their eyebrows in balance. The biggest problem for unbalanced eyebrows is highly relevant to the way you tweeze. Very often, you put your mirror too near. You should put it farther away. Choose a place with sufficient light and place a big mirror in front of you. Tweeze some of your eyebrows and take a look at the mirror. Repeat the step until you have finished tweezing.

All over your body and face, there are certain skin parts that are more sensitive and delicate than others. The skin of your neck is a very good example. If you apply moisturizer on your face but not your neck, you may find wrinkles on your neck very soon. Though the neck skin is very delicate, you do not need to apply expensive skincare product. Instead, you only need to apply your facial moisturizer every time when you apply it to your face. This will keep your neck skin healthy and fair.

Freckles are common to many ladies. Many people regard sunshine is main cause of freckles. In fact, over absorption of salt is another common cause of freckles. Some people try to remove their freckles with their eye cream or cover them up with concealer. But, these eye cream and concealer may not help a lot. You may try to place an ice-bag onto your freckles for around 15 minutes, and followed by the application of eye cream that contains Caffeine.

I believe everyone of you wash your body and hair everyday. Some of you may take 30 to 60 minutes for washing your body and hair to make sure they are clean. In fact, the longer time you spend washing your body and hair, it does not mean the cleaner you are. You may wash all away your natural sebum. The natural sebum is a very important protection to your skin. If you wash them all away, you may find your skin dry and sensitive. Therefore, you are advised to wash your body not more than 10 minutes every time.

Ointment is common to those who have skin problem. It is correct that you apply ointment to your skin when it is not in a healthy condition. But some of you just apply to much. You may wish your skin to recover as soon as possible and therefore you apply a lot of ointment onto it. Ointment takes time to work on your skin. If you do not allow it with time, you may not find you skin recover at a great speed. The best practice is to apply the ointment twice a day.

Learn more about beauty and makeup, visit: applying false eyelashes Acne Scar Removal

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