5HTTP Benefits and Side Effects

5HTTP may help people lose weight as well as boost mood, according to research studies. Besides 5HTTP, it’s also referred to as 5-HTP and 5-Hydroxytryptophan. 5HTTP may also be helpful for people who suffer from depression and anxiety. It has also been reported to help people who suffer from sleep disturbances, hormonal problems and headaches.

The way 5HTTP works is by boosting serotonin levels in the brain. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter or a chemical in which the brain uses to communicate with nerve cells. If serotonin levels drop, people typically start feeling symptoms like cravings for mostly high-carbohydrate and sugary foods. People may also start feeling depressed. The body produces serotonin naturally, but when the body’s levels of serotonin drop this usually happens from a lot of stress.

Research studies have been documented about the health benefits of 5HTTP for people who are trying to lose weight. One study reported that participants in a four-month trial study who reduced their calories to around 1,300 every day saw quite a significant decrease in cravings for foods consisting mostly of carbohydrates and sugar. This is excellent news for people who tend to crave these types of foods.

Another research study revealed that people with diabetes who tool 5HTTP supplements had a delay in the progression of their disease. Participants reported that while they took 5HTTP supplements their cravings for high-carbohydrate, sugary and fattening foods decreased significantly.

5HTTP has been shown to likely help other health related conditions that are typically associated with falling levels of serotonin. Conditions like migraine headaches, fibromyalgia, hot flashes an tension can be relieved by taking 5HTTP supplements. Overall, many people who take 5HTTP supplements report feeling better in general both physically and mentally. Perhaps it’s because 5HTTP is also considered an antioxidant.

If you looking for an alternative to taking antidepressant medication, 5HTTP may be a good option. It has fewer side effects compared to many antidepressants. However, there still are side effects people should be aware of like strange dreams, stomach upset, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, sleepiness, muscle problems and sexual problems. Many people report taking 5HTTP before bed to avoid some of the side effects.

Keep in mind that it’s always important to see a medical doctor or health professional before taking any supplements. If you’re already taking a medication for depression or anxiety, make sure to speak with your doctor first. Supplements can interact with other medications or other supplements. Even though most studies report 5HTTP is safe and effective, most supplements do not need approval from the FDA to sell their products.

In addition you can find more information about 5HTTP at Best Way to Lose Weight Headquarters there is a lot information about 5HTTP is supported by research.

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