5 Tips For Lowering Blood Sugar So You Can Lose Weight Faster

Blood sugar is vital for normal functioning-without it you would simply die. Yet, having too much blood sugar can also be lethal.

And in modern day environments, chronically elevated levels of blood sugar have become commonplace. After all, diabetes has been showing an unprecedented resurgence.

So, without further ado, here are 5 tips for lowering blood sugar:

1. Work your muscles: Muscles, or active tissues, take up a large amount of mass in your body. And working out your muscles is a great way to lower levels of blood sugar. This happens because exercise increases blood sugar transporters on the surface of your muscle cells.

2. Have insulin sensitizing foods: If you are more sensitive to insulin, you will be able to lower your blood sugar more effectively. And a great way to do this is by taking in some special insulin sensitizing foods. One such foods is cinnamon. Just make sure you get natural cinnamon, stay away from common cassia cinnamon.

3. Drink coffee: Tea also works here. In fact, studies have shown that people who drink coffee or tea are less likely to develop diabetes-an extreme elevation of blood sugar. But there is a catch: adding sugar to your coffee or tea will negate any of the benefits!

4. Have some chia seeds: Chia seeds are a nutty tasting whole grain that have been shown to lower blood sugar. Again, the mechanism most likely involves increased insulin sensitivity at the receptor level. Now the key here is to find ways to incorporate chia seeds into your daily diet.

5. Rotate carb intake: Carbs spike levels of blood sugar. And one way to buffer this is to rotate your carb intake. By doing so, you will increase sensitivity to carbs while decreasing blood sugar levels. I recommend having more carbs on the days you are most active and less carbs on the days where you are less active.

Elevated levels of blood sugar will degrade your health to the point of no return when not treated. So make sure you take the necessary precautions to prevent this from happening to you!

Writer Katherine Crawford, an exercise physiologist and recent arm fat sufferer, teaches how to go sleeveless in 7 days. Figure out how to get sexy and sculpted arms by exploring her website on how to go sleeveless in 7 days now!

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