4d Ultrasound Scan Technology Explained

The 4d ultrasound scan is a great way for parents to bond with their unborn baby as they are able to see their child moving around in the womb and making faces. An ultrasound scans works by sending sound waves which bounce back and show an image of the baby.

This type of baby ultrasound scan can help doctors determine if there is a problem earlier and can determine for sure what the sex of the baby is for the parents. There are studies that show that women take better care of themselves after they have a 4D ultrasound scan. They have a better bond with their child and want to eat right and make sure they are getting enough sleep. Keeping the baby happy becomes even more important to them.

The 4D ultrasound takes these sound wave pictures at a very fast pace allowing them to come back in real time, and creating a sort of animation show for the parents. They will actually be able to see their child moving in the womb. Using a display screen, an electronics console, and a hand held transducer the ultrasound device emits high frequency sound waves and when the waves bounce back they create an echo that shows up on the screen as a picture. There is no radiation involved in an ultrasound scan, so there are no risks to the baby.

Ultrasounds are used by doctors to see how the baby is developing, determining how old it is, spotting twins, spotting abnormalities, determining the sex, and the weight of the baby. The 4d ultrasound allows doctors to conducts examinations that were not possible before. People were thrilled with the introduction of the 3D ultrasound which allowed them to see an amazingly clear image of the baby in the womb. The 4D ultrasound scans are even more amazing to future parents because they can see the movement of the baby in the tummy.

The original ultrasound is a blurry picture and it is very difficult to see the different parts of the baby. It is also very difficult to determine the sex of the baby accurately. This can lead to some mistakes when determining if there is a boy or a girl in the beginning. This has also led to doctors not detecting twins until later in the pregnancy. With the introduction of the 2D ultrasound doctors were able to be more accurate on the age, sex, and weight of the baby. They were more accurate with the prediction of due dates, and with the sex of the babies. The introduction of 3D ultrasounds allowed parents to actually see facial features of the baby and know at a 99% sure rate the sex of the baby.

Advances in baby ultrasound scans have come a long way from the original baby scan and have been quite significant in the past five years. We wait to see what advances there will be in the next five to ten years.

For more information about how a 4d ultrasound scan works, please see 4d ultrasound scans

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