3 Ways People Unintentionally Prolong Their Sciatica

Lots of people moan that their case of sciatica is more complex that most. They say they have attempted “everything” but nothing gets rid of it. Is this true? Is it really possible that most people’s sciatica is an exception to the rule that lingers on and on regardless of all the common remedies?

Here are 3 ways that you are anonymously sabotaging your recovery and making certain that your sciatica sticks around for the longer term.

First, you know that painkillers aren’t really fixing the issue, but you carry on using them as the single “solution” to your problem. You probably know that painkillers will only numb you to the discomfort you are experiencing. They don’t fix the underlying problem. Unfortunately , many people nowadays are too busy (or think they’re too busy) to really have the time to address the essential issue.

This leads them to searching for a “magic tablet” solution to correcting their sciatica. Sadly, there is not one, but most people equate “the discomfort is gone” to “the problem is fixed.” Taking painkillers takes away the pain, but the underlying issue is still there, and it’s likely becoming worse without proper treatment.

Next, folk don’t put in the time to do the stretches they know they need to do. This leads off of that last point. You know that you need to be doing stretches to loosen up your muscles. But you’re busy. After work, cooking dinner, running errands, a floundering to spare time to sit with your family, there just doesn’t seem to be enough time in the day to dust off that stretching diagram your doctor gave you and do what you know you need to.

But your sciatica isn’t going to go unless you make time to address it. Sure you can take some “magic tablet” painkillers (almost all of which are basically unhealthy for you) to help ease your discomfort, but the issue isn’t going to get better until you really make it important enough for you to invest time in it.

Just take a few minutes every day to do your stretches. Maybe while you’re watching TV or enjoying different types of “idle” time. All you need to do is discover ways to multi-task and you can simply squeeze in those stretches you know that you must do.

Last, a lot of folk do not stop the bad habits that cause sciatica to begin with. Maybe you sit at your desk day in and day out with your wallet in your back pocket. Perhaps you have poor posture. Maybe you have got some extra weight you know you should get shot of.

Either way, if you don’t correct these tiny habits that helped cause your sciatica to begin with, you are not going to dispose of it anytime soon. How much work is it really to take your wallet out of your pocket before you sit down, stand up straight, or start that diet you’ve been delaying?

Probably not very much truly, but the majority get stuck in the practice of doing things they’re used to, and it’s tough to build new habits. But for the sake of your back and your sciatica you really should try a little harder to stop the cycle of habits that cause your back problems. In most cases, it’s really just a matter of finding ways to get motivated.

If you want to learn more about signs of a bulging disc and other causes of back pain, please check out Pain in Hip and Buttocks.

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