3 Simple Stress Management Tips

Stress management is important for making you happier, healthier and more productive. The majority of our problems are compounded by stress which can be uncomfortable and bad for our health. In this article, we’ll be discussing some proven stress management techniques you can start using right away. When you can relax more, you’ll find that you feel better about everything and get more accomplished.

Let’s face it, one of the main causes of stress in our lives is other people, so a large part of stress management is learning how to deal with our relationships and changing how we interact with others. One thing you should realize is that you have the right to limit how much stress you allow others to impose on you. For example, if you have friends, family members or co-workers who are constantly asking you for favors or who are always complaining about their problems, it may be a good idea to reduce the amount of contact you have with them. If this is happening to you, you can simply spend less time around these people and, if that’s not possible, set clear limits on what you do for them or listen to.

It can also help to reduce your stress levels if you recognize that you can’t be responsible for all the predicaments and problems the people around you get themselves into. It’s a proven fact that breathing can reduce stress as well as being important for life in general. That is the reason many tout deep breathing for its healing powers of stress management. Your mind and body require oxygen for survival and balance, shallow breathing deprives your body and mind of this survival. There are audio meditation programs that can teach you to breathe better. Your mind, body and spirit will all benefit from deep breathing.

When you learn how to manage your time, you’ll find that you’re also managing stress. You may have noticed the close connection between time and stress, as feeling like you don’t have time is one of the main things that causes stress. If you have large projects that seem overwhelming, break them up into smaller parts so you can get a handle on them. When you create a schedule or “to do” list, don’t put more tasks on it that you could possible accomplish, but keep it doable. Trying to multitask too much can cause stress and it also makes you less efficient at all the different things you’re trying to do at the same time. If you have a task that demands your full attention, focus on that and try to avoid talking on the phone or reading emails for that period. You’ll be surprised how far time management skills will go at reducing your stress.

Believe it or not, laughter is one of the best stress management tools there is. People who experience lots of stress are often humorless and highly driven “Type A” personalities, and remembering how to laugh is a good way to offset this. If you have friends with a good sense of humor, spend more time with them. There are plenty of funny movies or television shows you can watch in your spare time. You can find humorous websites, online videos or even free services that will send you jokes every day. It’s a good idea to laugh a little every day, especially if your everyday life makes you feel stressful. As the famous saying goes, laughter is the best medicine, and stress is one of the ills it can cure. Your personal circumstances will impact how you choose to manage your stress but there are many ways to do it. These are not the only tips available for reducing stress but they are a good place to start. As with most other dilemmas in life stress is a health condition you don’t want to slip through the cracks untreated.

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