3 Easy Steps For A Sciatica Cure

Sciatica is now officially one of the most common forms of lower back pain. Over 80% of adults suffer from back pain at some stage and struggle with a long lasting sciatica cure. Sciatica is the one form that people fear the most and sciatica relief a distant prospect.

Sciatica can be a debilitating condition where movement and day to day life is painful. The pain radiates down the leg to the foot if severe, it creates a sickening type pain that affects you emotionally as much as it does physically.

You will have heard by others that your sciatica is caused by disc herniations, spinal stenosis or other frightening conditions. But don’t worry these only account for about 10% of all sciatica cases. In fact most sciatica is caused by 3 minor issues that simply irritate the sciatic nerve creating your pain.

Sciatica relief occurs when you correct these 3 issues.

Step One: The sciatic nerve is formed from five nerve roots exiting the lower back region. If the lower back joints or muscles are irritated then sciatica may develop. Step one of having a sciatica cure is therefore to balance the lower back, which can be simply performed by using stretches and joint techniques for the area.

Step Two: Your pelvis is a common source of sciatic nerve irritation, if out of balance it allows the lower spine to tighten and it will also allow muscles in the pelvis to tighten also. you can detect the imbalance in your pelvis by looking in a mirror to see if your pelvis is higher on one side compared to the other.

To help ease pain you need to reduce the pressure on the sciatic nerve by re-balancing your pelvis.

Step Three: The sciatic nerve runs either through or directly under the piriformis muscle. If the muscle tightens the nerve is irritated and sciatica develops, in fact this is probably the most common cause of sciatica.

Stretching is essential if you want to get good relief for any back pain, for sciatica relief stretching is vital. The piriformis muscle must be stretched to help ease sciatic pain, however most people fail to stretch at the right time. If you stretch the muscle 3 times in the day the muscle will release tension quickly, however the essential time is just prior to bed, so that the muscle stays relaxed while you sleep. Stretching is important but not as important as knowing how, what and when to stretch.

Sciatica relief will only occur if you incorporate stretching of the piriformis muscle.

You may now be asking – how do you perform steps one, two and three to get a sciatica cure. These 3 steps to eliminate sciatica can be performed at home in your own time easily. Self help sciatica relief will help the 90% of people who have common sciatica. Those with the more severe conditions will need professional help, although using these 3 steps of sciatica relief will create benefit.

Learn more about sciatica relief. Stop by Graeme Teague’s site where you can find out all about how to get a sciatica cure and how to become pain free.

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