Are You Obese and Need to Learn Healthy Diet Habits?

If you are obese, don’t despair; you can learn healthy diet habits. It takes a well balanced diet, a good supply of carbohydrates, high-fiber foods, plenty of water, vitamins and minerals, lean protein, a small amount of fat and bacteria to have a healthy diet. Follow the below guidelines and you will be well on your way to losing weight while still keeping your body healthy.

Get into the habit of eating what your body needs and also the foods that you like.

Do not feel that you have to deprive yourself of the foods you like just because you have to lose weight.

Never eat, just because you are bored and need something to do. Find other ways of filling your time. Food should only be about nutrition and a small amount of enjoyment.

It is important to eat a minimum of three meals a day. Six smaller meals spaced two to three hours apart is even better if this fits into your time schedule.

When designing your meal plans choose lean sources of protein such as fish, shellfish, lean red meat, poultry, and eggs.

If you must use fat, make sure you use the smallest amount you can get away with. Fats can add flavor to your food and are sometimes necessary for cooking but make sure you use them wisely.

Limit or avoid refined sugar foods because too much sugar disrupts your natural energy balance, and can cause headaches in some people and mood swings too especially if you eat a lot of sugar. Fruits provide natural sweetness.

Drink four to five pints of water each day because water helps fiber in your food to swell and to perform well such as metabolizing other nutrients form your food and to keep your skin and hair healthy. Water also prevents your body from becoming dehydrated.

Avoid drinking too much in the way of caffeinated drinks such as coffee, tea or cola. Drinks that contain caffeine inhibit the absorption of vitamins and minerals and can cause your body to excrete vital nutrients and also to interfere in the fluid and energy balance of your body. Caffeine also artificially stimulates your body, which may suppress your performance and make you feel unwell.

Your body needs good bacteria in the form of “live” yogurt that contains bifidus and acidophilus which helps to keep the healthy balance between good and bad bacteria in your intestines.

Your stomach should not be empty for more than four or five hours if you want your intestines to work properly. When you eat on a regular basis your digestive enzymes are kept in good supply and ready to metabolize food in the most efficient way.

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