Natural Remedies for Constipation

Although the verdict isn’t in yet, natural alternative medicine seems to have mixed benefits at best. On the positive side, some of it seems to work very well, but there is a good deal of quackery out there along with the legitimate science.  One area, however, when natural cures seem to have an edge is in the treatment of constipation. Natural remedies for constipation – at least over the long term – seem to work much better than many of the other over-the-counter and prescription medications. Although not every case can be cured by a natural remedy for constipation, many of them can – and quite effectively.

There are many kinds of natural remedies for constipation. Some of the most basic ones involve adjusting your diet. When I was in college, I came down with a serious case of constipation. Apparently, The steady diet of junk food and beer was taking a toll on my system. I tried laxative pills, but none of them seemed to quite do the trick. They would relieve me in the short term, but the next day the constipation would come back worse than before. That is when I tried natural remedies for constipation.

My doctor told me to try the BRAT diet. This is one of the leading natural remedies for constipation. BRAT is an acronym for bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast. These are all basic foods that will not irritates your stomach and will help move your digestive system along. This natural remedy for constipation does take a few days, and when I first started it, I was miserable. I wanted immediate relief, not a long wait. In the long run, however, I am glad that I tried natural remedies for constipation. Eating all of those basic foods really helped me feel better quickly, and once my system was going again, I stopped eating such unhealthy meals.

Of course, there are other natural remedies for constipation that can provide some more immediate relief. Some natural constipation remedies are used in severe cases that require urgent treatment. There are natural laxatives that work every bit as well as the over-the-counter stuff, and have less side effects to boot. Although these natural remedies for constipation have not been studied extensively by the medical field, from what I have heard they seem to work pretty well. I know several doctors who swear by them and recommend them to all of their patients.

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