What Is Liposuction And Can I Get It In Salt Lake City?

Also known as suction-assisted lipectomy or lipoplasty, liposuction is a cosmetic surgical procedure in which fat is suctioned out of the body from specific areas of localized fat deposits. Liposuction is not considered “weight loss” surgery because the point of it is to reshape and redefine the contours of the body, after diet and exercise have been attempted. Liposuction is available all over Salt Lake City, with many outstanding doctors and surgeons in that area.

Liposuction is of the most benefit to patients who are at or near their ideal weight (within 30%) but still have disproportionate areas of fat, even though they have dieted and worked out. The best candidates are non-smokers who are generally in good health and who have a positive outlook and realistic expectations about the procedure’s outcome. Expecting to suddenly have the body of a supermodel or athlete will just end in disappointment and regret. Other things that would make a good candidate include having good skin elasticity and muscle tone. If a patient has lot’s of loose skin from weight loss, this is not the correct procedure for them.

Liposuction won’t take off the extra 50 pounds you’ve put on over the last 10 years, as it normally removes 1 to 10 pounds. This treatment is for those that are in good shape but have trouble spots that won’t shift. Cellulite reduction is not normally a result of this treatment but there are some newer treatments that show promise in this regard (such as SmartLipo, acoustic wave therapy, and the Rejuveskin procedure) any of which may be able to be performed in Salt Lake City as an adjunct to traditional liposuction.

Before going ahead with the procedure, your surgeon will check you out, making an assessment of your general health. He or she will also look into your medical history and weight gain/loss. If necessary, you may be asked to adjust taking any medications you are on, as this could complicate the procedure.

Most patients can return to non-strenuous work (jobs that involve sitting or minimal physical activity) after just 2 to 3 days. Strenuous work or exercise should not be resumed until at least 2 to 3 weeks have passed, depending on the extent of your procedure and which areas have been treated. As with all surgery, it is important to understand that these guidelines can vary widely based on a patient’s health, the techniques used, and other variables surrounding the surgery.

If you feel liposuction is the right option for you, then contact your local Salt Lake City medical spa or doctor’s office for more information.

Looking to find the best deal on liposuction, then visit Roxy Albright’s site to find the best advice on services in Salt Lake City for you.

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