Tips For The Paleo Diet Plan: Why You Should Avoid Trans-Fats

Trans-fats should be avoided because they are poly-unsaturated fats which increase the “bad” LDL cholesterol levels and reduce the “good” High-density lipoprotein levels of cholesterol in your body. Trans-fats are produced from partially hydrogenated vegetable oils are much more hazardous in comparison with natural fats. Trans-fats haven’t any recognized benefit for human health and aren’t essential for the human body. There isn’t any safe level of trans-fat consumption because any incremental increase in your trans-fat usage could increase the health risks. Foods that contain comparatively high trans-fat are margarine, food products with ingredients label “partially hydrogenated vegetable oils” [pretty much all processed foods], high-fat baked foods [doughnuts, cookies as well as cakes], french-fried potatoes and / or potato chips.

Health Hazards

Heart Disease- The trans fatty acids increase LDL colesterol [bad cholesterol] as well as decreases High-density lipoprotein cholesterol [good cholesterol]. Increase in LDL cholesterol causes coronary heart disease and decrease in HDL cholesterol also causes coronary heart disease, so eating trans-fats doubles the risk of developing heart disease. Trans-fats cause damage to artery walls leading to abnormal plaque build up in the inner wall of your artery. This particular condition is called atherosclerosis, in which artery becomes narrow and over time will get blocked. Blocked arteries can cause heart attack or stroke. Trans-fats additionally contribute to inflammation of artery wall and rupture of artery wall, with the result that blood clots are often formed in the blood ultimately causing heart attack and / or stroke.

Obesity- Trans-fats redistribute the body fat, they move fat from other parts of the body to the abdomen area. Therefore abdominal obesity is associated with heart disease, diabetes and other illnesses. Trans-fat intake increases body weight gain, despite a similar calorie intake.

Diabetes Mellitus- There is ever-increasing incidence of type 2 diabetes with trans-fat consumption. Trans-fats increase blood glucose levels and lower your insulin sensitivity.

Pregnancy and Delivery- Consumption of 4 gm trans-fats everyday have significant effect on infertility in women. They can affect fetal development and lead to low birth weight babies. Women who consume trans-fats are more prone to develop high blood pressure or pre-eclampsia during pregnancy. Mothers pass the trans-fats to babies through breast milk, they displace essential fats like omega 3 which is highly beneficial for baby’s brain and nervous system development. Trans-fats even inhibit absorption of essential fats in the gut. So children of mothers whose trans-fat intake is high, do not get enough essential fats and what they do get thier stomachs will not be able to absorb.

Effects on Cell Membrane- Effects of trans-fats on cell membranes are very significant because when cell membranes are affected, each and every part of the body will be affected. Damage to the cell membranes can affect all body systems including immunity and brain function. Cell membranes are made up of 50% saturated fats, saturated fats maintain the integrity and flexibility of the membrane. People who eat plenty of trans-fat show 20% unsaturated fats in the cell membranes, unsaturated fats make cell membranes weak and distorted. Cells with such membranes in brain can lead to autism, attention deficit hyperactive disorder. Such membranes in immune cells can cause auto-immune diseases.

Processed trans-Fats ought not to be a part of your diet program. Whole food alternatives such as The Paleo Diet program stress getting your daily fat intake from natural sources .Organic free range beef, poultry, eggs, wild fish and nuts are recommended sources of fat.

What is the Paleo Diet? It is a plan to restore our health by returning man to the diet nature intended. For more information on the Paleo Diet please visit our webpage to learn more.

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