Tinnitus Can Make You Hear Whooshes And Whistles

Tinnitus is a noise originating in a person’s ear and not the environment. There are two different types. They are classified as normal and pulsatile tinnitus. This condition is also commonly known as ringing in the ears.

It is a sound that is heard inside the ear without any external sound present. The sound is real. Some people are unlucky enough to be affected by both forms. The constant buzzing or ringing sounds are viewed as the most frustrating. You are never free of it.

The pulsatile or vascular form causes you to hear a whooshing or a rhythmic pulsating sound. It will also be audible to other people. It is not common and affects about 3 percent of the population.

The rare form of this condition can be caused by high blood pressure, a heart murmur or impairment of any main arteries of the head or neck area. There are several reasons for an increase in blood pressure. Restriction in arteries like a narrowing forces the heart to pump harder to get the blood to flow through.

Blood vessels must be elastic and even to allow a normal and easy flow. When they lose their elasticity the flow decreases. It is also referred to as hardening of the arteries.

High cholesterol causes constriction of the blood vessels as plaque. This substance can build up around the outer layer. It causes the blood flow to be uneven and gush through these areas.

Pulsatile tinnitus is not a disease but a symptom of an underlying one. It is not something to be disregarded. The patient needs to consult a physician without delay.

Ringing in the ears or the so-called normal form of the condition is usually not a major problem. It is seen as more of an irritation that sooner or later sorts itself out. It is rare that it will be a sign of a primary illness.

The nerve ends in the inner ear can suffer damage. This causes the person to hear swishing or ringing sounds. This is more common in older people.

Listening to loud noises such as loud, booming music can increase the probability of getting this condition. When surrounded by loud noises quite often, the chances rise even more. Normally the condition appears later in life.

There are inner body sounds that are normal that people don’t usually hear. Sometimes they can hear them though in quiet places for a short time. If there is wax in the ear, it blocks the noise from the environment and allows people to hear the noises.

Certain medicines and also build-up of fluid can play a part when reverberation is present. Signs of infection or disease of the middle ear drum or bones is also dangerous. It can trigger a bout of it.

The best thing to do if you hear a ringing or swishing sound in your ears is to go to the doctor as soon as you can. The doctor will be able to determine if further help is needed. He or she is the best qualified to determine whether it is normal or pulsatile tinnitus.

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