The Home Exam For Scoliosis

Scoliosis is a very serious medical condition affecting the spine of an individual. It makes one’s spine curve, either from side to side like the letter S, or be more curved round front to back, like a crescent moon. This condition can be something you are born with or it can be something that develops as a symptom of another condition, like spina bifida.

There is no cause when a person develops it as they go from child to adult. Genetics are often blames, but scientists really just do not know. You should get yearly exams and ask that your doctor check if he or she does not do so automatically. Catching it early is the best way to correct it.

Girls get it more than boys. It is rarer that one would get it before puberty but if one does, puberty will only aggravate the condition. On the flip side, it is also unlikely that you will get it for the first time once you are a full grown adult. Once your bone set, that tends to be it. It will also stop getting worse once you are grown, if you have it.

Kids should especially be checked because all of their development is very important. One problem could throw off something else. For example, if they start having spine curvature, it could put a lot of pressure and strain on their heart and lungs. This could stunt their growth and make it difficult to move, leading to other problems.

These deformities can include lopsided breasts in women, uneven legs or hips due to the skewed spine (leading to walking problems), or bones of the rib cage jutting out. It is something you should especially watch for if you have another bone, muscle, or nerve conditions like cerebral palsy, hernias, or spinal muscular atrophy.

Typical exams for Scoliosis are very simple. All you have to do is bend over like you were going to touch your toes. It is a very noticeable problem, so a doctor would be able to tell just from this if there are any lumps or is any hint of curving in your spine. If a patient has suspicious symptoms that may be the beginning of Scoliosis or may be nothing at all, X-rays should be taken.

Two cures can help. The first is wearing the specialized torso brace that will hold your spine rigid so it can grow straight. However, this is only really available as a cure for young people who are still developing. There is little a brace can do for a fully grown back that has let Scoliosis develop in it. In that case, surgery would be needed.

The methods to combat the effects of scoliosis are available to you today! You will find scoliosis exercises and information to help you to gain more flexibility when you visit today!

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