The Health Benefits Of Sardines Are Too Numerous To Mention

Sardines are fish that are quite small. That’s just small in size, not small in nutrition. In fact the health benefits of eating sardines are greater than their size.

Sardines are a small school fish which live in many of our oceans, and they are caught in their millions. Most people eat canned sardines, and in fact sardines were the first fish ever to be canned. However many people also eat sardines fresh.

Apart from the nutritional benefits, which we shall review in a moment, there are a wide range of good reasons to eat sardines.

Sardines are relatively common, and schools of them number in the millions. Sardines are one of the more sustainable fish in the ocean, in other words we are able to continue catching them without driving them to extinction.

Not only that, whereas many fish are becoming contaminated with industrial toxins like Mercury, mainly fish which are at the top of the food chain, sardines, being at the bottom of the food chain, are a clean food source. In other words you don’t need to be concerned about Mercury contamination or PCB contamination when you’re eating sardines.

But the best reason to eat sardines is nutrition. Lets look at that.

Of course eating sardines is just wonderful for the taste. Sardines are extremely yummy, however sardines are nutritious too.

You’ve probably heard of the health benefits of Omega 3 fatty acids. The Omega 3 fatty acids are essential fats, meaning that they are essential to the proper functioning of your body. Sardines are extremely high in the Omega 3 fatty acids.

The health benefits of the Omega 3 fats are numerous, and include a reduction in your risk of dying from heart attack as well as many other cardiovascular benefits, and improvement to mental function, just to mention a few.

In fact sardines have more Omega 3, pound for pound, than just about any other fish in the ocean.

But the health benefits of sardines just start with the Omega 3 fatty acids. Sardines are also packed with a wide range of other nutrients.

Calcium for example, which is extremely important for your bones, good nerve function and more. Or how about potassium, or phosphorus. Sardines are high in protein too.

And then there’s the vitamins. These include vitamins D and E as well as vitamin B-12, in which they are very high. Vitamin B-12 is very important to the proper functioning of your immune system and central nervous system.

Then there’s your skin. Sardines are high in antioxidants, which benefit the health of your skin, and the Omega 3 essential fatty acids are also extremely good for your skin, particularly for maintaining skin moisture. These are the fats found in Omega 3 supplements.

Overall the most important health benefit of eating sardines is for the Omega 3 fatty acids. Science is discovering that most of us are deficient in these important fats, and increasing your intake can do wonders for your health.

So eat lots of sardines, canned or fresh, for all those good nutrients in sardines.

But to get the maximum amount of benefit from increasing your intake of Omega 3 fats take high quality Omega 3 supplements every day. That is unless you’re likely to be eating a can of sardines every day.

Note that not all Omega 3 supplements are high quality. So click here to find out which are.

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