Amazing Advantages Of Omega 3 Fish Oil

Researchers in Denmark in the 1970’s discovered that the Inuit people in Greenland, showed a much lesser rate of cardiovascular problems than the people of Denmark. The responses which were found in this research revealed that even though the Intuit people had a high intake of fats, they were actually fats from fish, Seals, Whales along with other sea foods, in fact they were Omega 3 fatty acids.

The Benefits of Fish and Other Food Sources High in Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Spring is far below way and summer is getting close. It is time for children to take out their roller blades for untroubled treks down boardwalks and paths. Pops will rummage thru closets for asleep baseball caps and to work out if last year’s uniform still fits. If not playing ball he’ll watch from the sidelines, or from the comfort of his favorite chair. Moms, time to don old jeans, stock up on sun lotion, and get out the fishing poles. You heard me, women.