Spiritual Growth And Why It Counts

Spiritual growth has always been integral to an individual’s sense of wellbeing, even before mankind has conceptualized the term and digested it in a multitude of ways that it eventually sprung up different methodologies on how one can build upon it. You name it – yoga, karma, or maybe reincarnation. There are so many that they range from the most mystical to the most practical. But whether you are already treading your own “spiritual path”, or in deep need of spiritual fulfillment, a deep understanding of what spirituality is can be very helpful in more ways than one.

Spiritual Life Coaching: Egoic Self Esteem vs. Authentic Self Esteem

Anorexia is absent among tribal cultures. It is a disease that is a result of our “civilized” society. We are programmed to feel shame and guilt from early on when we don’t “measure up” to others around us. It is the ego that projects hurt onto others and it is the ego that feels pain so deeply. Every negative emotion you’ve ever felt such as sadness, depression, or humiliation has been because of your ego’s reaction and nothing more.

Spiritual Life Coaching: The Shadow and the Blame Game

We can observe the shadow projection of blame just about everyday in the U.S. Government where it has resulted a polarity so inflexible that it has manifested itself as gridlock between the Democrats and the Republicans in both the House and Senate–for the last decade. Blame always comes from both parties. We’ve watched Congressmen and Senators place their allegiance to party principles before what is truly in the best interest of the people. With the exception of just a few, our government leaders have become political robots, walking and talking machines that can’t seem to get past their party’s ideology, and as a result, the whole country suffers. If the member of one party proposes a bill, any bill, no matter how beneficial or right it is for all–nearly every member of the other party opposes it.

Spiritual Life Coaching – The Pain-Body Needs a Nemesis

The Law of Attraction dictates that your thoughts create your reality. The more emotionally charged these thoughts are, the more effective they are at manifesting events. Talking, writing, and lecturing about negative, fear-based, potential “doom and gloom” scenarios will only increase the likelihood that they will happen. Furthermore, it empowers the fear-based energy for the collective pain-body to feast on.

Spiritual Life Coaching – Stop Attracting Mental Bullies

If you have a heavy pain-body, you’ll probably be attracting mental bullies to you like a bar magnet to steel. They will seek you out, come up to you out of nowhere, yell at you from across the street, send hateful emails to you, and this will all happen despite the fact that you do everything in your power to keep out of sight and “fly underneath the radar.”

Spiritual Life Coaching: Becoming Lucid in the Dream of Life

Have you ever noticed that you can’t remember the beginning of a dream? When you’re dreaming, you never stop and think, “How did I get here?” You just take it for granted that there was a beginning. This is reality. It’s much like the waking life in that before the age of three, we don’t really remember much at all. One day we just arrived into our “dream of life,” not knowing precisely how we got here.

Spiritual Life Coaching: Shadow Work for Intolerance

Intolerance, racism, homophobia, and bigotry are extreme forms of disrespect for another human being. The shadow will judge another human being based on race, creed, culture, ethnicity, gender, sexual preference, and status. In so doing, it desensitizes and diminishes a soul into an inanimate object. The shadow does this in order to cloak the heart into the false perception that the person with whom it is stereotyping is somehow less than a life form. This is the shadow’s biggest trick when it comes to shielding itself against the boundless compassion of the heart.