The Basic Learning Goals Of Phlebotomy Training Courses

While technical skill is important, phlebotomy is made up of many other things. You have to balance the skill with the art. And the art we are talking about is dealing with people. You may have to deal with them when they are experiencing some of the hardest things they will ever face. The hallmark that you are looking for is Phlebotomy training courses that will give you exposure to as many different environments as possible.

Taking A Phlebotomist Certification Program

In order to obtain a Phlebotomist Certification Program, one will need to complete three steps. These would be a phlebotomist certification a post secondary education and finally experience in this field of work. Furthermore, there would also be a written exam required. This type of work involves taking tests to test blood. It can also be for the purposes of drawing blood from blood donors. Another name for this is a venipuncturist.

Starting A Career In Phlebotomy

Phlebotomy, known to most as bloodletting has its roots in antiquity and was essentially ritualistic. Its application to medicine started in 5th century Greece when drawing out blood was believed to cure ailments. Drawing out blood during the medieval period was done by barber-surgeons. The development of this technique made it a safe, efficient and pain-free procedure that is being practiced these days. Today, phlebotomy is used primarily in the health care setting, either for diagnostic procedures or for treatment, as in blood transfusion or to remove excess iron and red blood cells from the body as in the case of hemochromatosis and polycythemia, respectively.