How Did the Synthetic Medical Marijuana Drug Marinol Get Approved By the FDA?

Marinol was approved by the FDA as a synthetic medical marijuana THC. It comes in oral form to reduce chemotherapy nausea and in addition assists with increasing appetite in AIDS sufferers. The debate between smoking natural marijuana versus utilizing oral Marinol is robust. This article’s purpose is to give the basics on the FDA approval process using Marinol as an example.

Is Marijuana Addictive Like Narcotics?

As medical marijuana becomes legal in more states to qualified patients, a question often asked “Is medical marijuana addictive?” With narcotics having addictive qualities if abused along with overdose and withdrawal risks it is important to either confirm marijuana’s addictive qualities or refute the assertion. The concise answer is that medical marijuana may have a psychological dependence but not a true narcotic like physiologic dependence, so not a true addiction.

How Does A Chiropractor Get You Out Of Pain?

I am lucky enough to be a second generation chiropractor, as my dad and two uncles are chiropractors. It has been a lot of fun to watch the profession progress over the last 30 plus years. From the very beginning of chiropractic we have known it works, all you have to look at to see this is the results we get. The question that has been asked many times is “why”? In the last 15 to 20 we have begun to find the answer to the why. The answer comes in the form of research on the nervous system. Through this research we have developed a beautiful picture of why chiropractic helps us get out of pain.