Coping With Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms

The tissues in your body begin to be attacked by your own body when you have rheumatoid arthritis. The most common rheumatoid arthritis tends to show up first in the smaller joints that can be found in your feet and hands. This disorder is different from normal wear and tear that comes with osteoarthritis because it affects the lining that surrounds your joints and causes a great deal of swelling. The swelling can eventually lead to erosion in the bones and a deformity in the joints.

Can Balance Tell Us Anything About The Health Of Your Brain?

As a Bellevue chiropractor one of the tools that I use to assess my patients nervous system is to have them stand on one leg. The balance center of your brain is an important part of your brain. Why don’t you give it a try? Stand up, close booth eyes, and while standing as still as possible lift one leg up off of the ground and stand on one leg as long as you can. Normal function is roughly 20 to 30 seconds. Now try it with the other foot, see if it easier or harder. How did you do?

Swimming for Health

Most of us swim for recreational purposes, either in play or as a means of cooling off on a warm day. Just the feeling of buoyancy in the water can be a great stress reliever, not to mention having all the gravitational pressures removed from our joints, muscles and bones. But swimming can do so much more than help relieve stress. We know that any exercise is good exercise, but swimming has many extra benefits that could very well extend the length of one’s life. Let’s take a look.