Is Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy A Safe And Effective Treatment For Symptoms of Perimenopause, Menopause, and Postmenopause?

It is a surprise to many woman when they begin to develop symptoms of menopause as early as 30 years old. Perimenopause is the first stage of the menopause transition years which is the beginning of a woman’s hormone imbalance characterized by irregular cycles and unpleasant symptoms of hormone imbalance.


Hypertension, another word for high blood pressure, can lead to grave physical problems such as heart attack and stroke. Some people have high blood pressure for a very long time without being aware of it, because there are no symptoms. But lack of symptoms doesn’t mean that damage isn’t being done.

Why You Can’t Lose Weight Part 2, Diets, Hormones & Toxicity, Weight Loss & Metabolism

Why You Can’t Lose Weight Part 2, Diets, Hormones & Toxicity, Weight Loss & Metabolism By understanding how your body works you can maintain a good weight, high quality of life and fitness and wellness. In this video Dr. Anderson discusses everything you need to know about diets, hormones and weight loss. Weight loss might…