Natuarally Lower Your Cholesterol With These Four Steps

High cholesterol is defined as having total cholesterol of 240 mg/dL and above. More than 16% of Americans have high cholesterol, which is approximately one in every six adults. High cholesterol doubles your risk of heart disease. The average cholesterol level for adult Americans is 200 mg/dL which is borderline high risk. Women in the United States suffer from high cholesterol more so than men.

The Atkins Diet

The common name for the ‘Atkins Nutritional Approach’ is the ‘Atkins Diet’, which was the brainchild of Doctor Robert Atkins. Dr. Atkins had put on a lot of surplus weight while he was studying in medical school and after coming across a new diet in a medical journal, he made up his mind to improve on it and publish it as his own.

Atkins Diet Low Carb Diet Menu

With the coming of the New Age, gone are the days when having a Marilyn Monroe style of figure was considered to be the epitome of what a woman should look like. Now we have waif-thin role models of what the perfect woman should look like, and this is the shape we want to have for ourselves as well. To that end most of us will try every diet possible, but it’s a fact that a growing number of dieters are concentrating more on what the Atkins Diet, low carb diet menu has to offer for them over the others.

The ABCs of Cholesterol, It Pays to be well informed about Cholesterol, Manage your Cholesterol Levels by Knowing the Basics

We often hear the word “Cholesterol” being talked about by adults, discussed in TV shows, printed in food labels, and even featured in TV commercials. It has become a common conversation piece because of its ill effects to our health. But how much of the information you know about cholesterol is actually factual? Keep in mind that there are many myths about cholesterol.