General Components Of Astral Project

Astral project, also called astral projection or travel, involves the interpretation of out-of-body experiences that suggests that an astral body is different from the physical being and capable of travelling alone, outside of it. This specific term often refers to this particular body leaving its physical body to travel different planes. The premise is derived from religious belief in the afterlife and is also associated with close-to-death experiences.

How To Astral Project For Beginners – Top Recommended Advice

How to astral project for beginners is a simple process, provided you know the right techniques. In fact you may have already had a couple of such experiences without even being aware of it, mostly in your dreams. Do you remember those flying dreams of the ones where you could see yourself sleeping from above? That was you projecting astrally! A lot of people apparently also have such out of body experiences during high fever.