Spirit Journeys Are More Important Now

These are very stressful times for all of us. Most of us have never experienced anything in our lives that even comes close to the fear and uncertainty that surrounds us these days. We are worried if we will have a job next week; if we will be able to keep a roof over our heads and put food on the table. All we hear from the media is how bad things are and that its likely to get worse. Who wouldnt be stressed?

As humans, we are programmed to avoid anything that feels bad or uncomfortable. If it hurts, the first thing we try to do is get away from the pain, and stress certainly is painful. Were also taught that the quick fix is the best fix. Got a headache? Take a pill. Cant sleep? Take another pill. Stressed out? Have a cocktail, or take a vacation!

We think that a vacation will fix all our ills. We think that after the vacation we will be better able to handle the stresses of life. It’s true that a vacation does help by leaving our cares behind for a week or more, but how much does it really help?

We spend the first few days of the vacation just unwinding and getting used to being on vacation. The last few days of the vacation, we start stressing about going home and all that awaits us there. In between, we get to escape a little.

The problem is that when the vacation ends, we have to go back to the same demands of life we left behind. Most likely we did not learn any new skills to deal with the stresses that made us need a vacation in the first place. In this sense, typical gay travel is only a quick, temporary fix, like a pill or a drink. This is why we think Spirit Journeys is more important now than ever before.

Spirit Journeys gay weekend getaways event can change a person’s life. Learning new ways to think and learning practices can help to keep the stresses of life at bay. These are things that are not temporary or quick fixes. They can be used in people’s everyday life.

Also, at a Spirit Journeys event we get to meet and connect with people at a level simply not possible on an ordinary gay vacation. We are given the chance to learn new things and hear new ideas from the others in the group. The connections made on a Spirit Journey add immensely to the enjoyment of our time away. To be able to sit and have a real conversation with someone; for us to be listened to with genuine interest; for us to listen to others with our heart; the importance of these things cannot be measured and bring a deep sense of fulfillment. Yes, there is effort involved. We can’t just hide in our rooms. We will want to be “present”; we will want to be willing; we will want to be as open and honest as we can be.

However, this effort is highly rewarding. People know in their hearts that gay retreats can change their very being; they know that this effort can change their overall way of viewing life and that this can help make everyday a vacation.

Gay trips tips authored by Howie Holben. Howie Holben is the facilitator of Spirit Journeys. Spirit Journeys is foremost for their amazing gay trips and gay retreats.

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