Sleeping too much and Causes of Depression

A very common sleeping problem is related to insomnia or getting too little sleep. It isn’t the only problem that people have dealing with sleep though. Oversleeping is a less known, but equally dangerous issue that carries its own number of health risks.

It’s not always easy to pin down one single reason that leads to oversleeping. Most often it is a result of abuse or misuse of external substances like alcohol or drugs. These types of substances will decrease the quality of a person’s sleep by damaging their normal pattern.

Yet another common reason behind too much sleep can be a disorder having similar effects as those seen in external influences. Disorders can easily cause problems of reduced sleep quality, though they are almost always much harder to identify.

While getting too much sleep might not appear to be a serious problem, it has a large number of health risks. One of the most prominent problems with too much sleep is the reduction of activity that a person experiences in their daily life. Naturally, spending more time in bed leaves less time for outdoor activity and exercise.

After spending so much time in bed and not getting enough exercise or time outside, depression is a common side effect of sleeping too much. Declining health goes hand in hand with reduced sleep quality and it is not uncommon for someone that oversleeps to still feel tired during the day. This kind of problem is very frustrating and will very often lead to even more serious depression.

A place to start for people sleeping too much is to eliminate any and all external factors that could be causing the lack of sleep symptoms. After ruling out this cause, it is most likely time to consult a doctor about possible disorders that you could have. Spending half the day sleeping is not normal and should be treated as a very serious condition.

Do you have constant problems of depression and sleeping too much? Stop wasting your days in bed getting low quality sleep. Visit to find out more about disorders and how to deal with them

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