Simple Home Therapy You Can Do For Yourself If You Have Suffered a CVA

Cardiovascular diseases cause 50 % of deaths in the U.S.A. Coronary Heart disease affects 13.5 million Americans. Genetic disposition, sedentary lifestyle, misguided eating habits and lack of exercise are the root causes of this problem. Cardiac Rehab tries not only medical treatment but also a complete overhauling of lifestyle to fight heart disease. The Cardiac Rehab program aims at improving each patient’s health and long-term prognosis through exercise and diet change.

The symptoms of stroke depend on what part of the brain is damaged. In some cases, a person may not even be aware that he or she has had a stroke. After a stroke, or cerebrovascular accident (CVA) either the left or right side of your body doesn’t work properly to some degree. This has to be combated initially quite simply by making sure you lean to your affected, paralyzed side. This stimulates the brain and prevents it from forgetting about the affected side.

Our muscles are there to be used and the more they are stimulated, the stronger they get. In the initial phases of stroke rehabilitation, much emphasis is paid teaching the patient how to sit up, stand up and eventually start walking. A physiotherapist is very important in guiding you through this stressful period. The stroke sufferer must be positive and help as much as possible in his/her own recovery. Without this active rehabilitation the chances of good recovery drop sharply.

Electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) is used to speed recovery after a CVA. It is particularly helpful when used on the shoulder muscles, both for building up strength and preventing shoulder atrophy. An unused muscle soon becomes stiff and painful which makes it difficult to move. Regular muscle stimulation relaxes and strengthens your muscles and helps speed your rehabilitation. The stimulators are easy to use and don’t require physiotherapist supervision so you can use them at home at your own leisure.

They are particularly good at stimulating the muscles involved in wrist and finger movement and help to minimize stiffness in the hands and fingers. Finally remember that a positive outlook will help speed your rehabilitation success. Dr. Carissa Hang is a doctor with many years of experience who concentrates on exercise and rehabilitation.

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